#91343 - DKnight - Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:28 pm
Im currently developing a homebrew game for the nintendo DS, and I have one question to ask about it.
Ive been learning to use PALib to code, and now I am at a point in wich I could start to seriously apply my knowledge into something more notorius than the demos (simple tests) Ive been making.
But recently, I heard from some folks that PALib is "limited". That, added to the poor C++ implementation (everything is focused to C) and the lack of needed updates and bugfixes makes me wonder if I should put it aside and start from scratch with libnds.
?Should I do that? ?What are the cons of using PALib instead libnds (what are these limitations)?
Looking at the libnds examples just makes me dizzy, as at first glance it operates at a very low level (too low for my taste), but if the only way to come out with something decent is to learn it, Ill do it.
The game I have in mind (and in paper) is some sort of 2d platformer (I would love to add some 3D touches, but as far as I know 3D implementation is still very poor), preferibly done in C++ that in pure C.
It would be very helpful to hear any point of view on this matter.
Thanks and sorry for my strange english :P
Im currently developing a homebrew game for the nintendo DS, and I have one question to ask about it.
Ive been learning to use PALib to code, and now I am at a point in wich I could start to seriously apply my knowledge into something more notorius than the demos (simple tests) Ive been making.
But recently, I heard from some folks that PALib is "limited". That, added to the poor C++ implementation (everything is focused to C) and the lack of needed updates and bugfixes makes me wonder if I should put it aside and start from scratch with libnds.
?Should I do that? ?What are the cons of using PALib instead libnds (what are these limitations)?
Looking at the libnds examples just makes me dizzy, as at first glance it operates at a very low level (too low for my taste), but if the only way to come out with something decent is to learn it, Ill do it.
The game I have in mind (and in paper) is some sort of 2d platformer (I would love to add some 3D touches, but as far as I know 3D implementation is still very poor), preferibly done in C++ that in pure C.
It would be very helpful to hear any point of view on this matter.
Thanks and sorry for my strange english :P