#91697 - Didou - Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:49 pm
A cubes game(a Tetris-Like, ;-) in 3D
[Images not permitted - Click here to view it]
http://francois.pessaux.neuf.fr/files/QBX_beta_04_08_2006.zip (Beta version: 04 August 2006)
Presentation :
QBX is a thinking game in which the aim is to make lines in a 3D cube 5x5x5-sized.
The shape comes from above and can only be translated forward/backward and left/right.
The cube, can only rotate around its 3 axes
The shape does not fall automatically. Hence, you have time to place it. Then you chose when you want it to fall. Then, it will go down in one shot.
Screenshots :
[Images not permitted - Click here to view it][Images not permitted - Click here to view it]
History :
08/07/2006 First release. No sound yet.
* Second release.
* Update for compatibility with M3 who had screens flipped.
* Changed some uggly textures.
* A few animations added.
* Changed again some uggly textures.
* Add randomizer init at startup.
* Changed the scoring system: each dropped shape weights 10 * the number of cubes it is compound of.
One line scores 200,
2 score 200 * 3
3 score 200 * 6
4 score 200 * 10
n score 200 * n * (n+1) / 2 (200 * summ of the n first integers)
* Changed fonts digits.
* Added a few animation for hibernation screen.
* SELECT button bound to "drop shape".
* Added a smiley showing score rank in case of highscore.
* Sounds ... (may be not final).
04/08/2006: Fourth version
New sounds.
Names in scores with the handwriting recognition system (partially, currently only letters from 'a' to 'g').
Various bug fixes.
How to play :
You have to move the shape and rotate the cube in order to make the shape going inside the cube to make lines. Any line made of 5 little cubes will then disapear..
To move the shapes and rotate the cube, keypad is used(up/down/left) (A/X/Y/B ). This choice can be configurated.
The bottom screen additionnaly proposes 5 big buttons (to be able to lay our big thumbs, full of chocolate :) ) that allow to (from left t right)
Other information :
QBX will be sumbitted to theNeo Summer Coding contest. :-'
Sources will of course be available, as always, as soon as the Neo contest dead-line is over.
-- Didou
Last edited by Didou on Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:22 pm; edited 4 times in total
A cubes game(a Tetris-Like, ;-) in 3D
[Images not permitted - Click here to view it]
http://francois.pessaux.neuf.fr/files/QBX_beta_04_08_2006.zip (Beta version: 04 August 2006)
Presentation :
QBX is a thinking game in which the aim is to make lines in a 3D cube 5x5x5-sized.
The shape comes from above and can only be translated forward/backward and left/right.
The cube, can only rotate around its 3 axes
The shape does not fall automatically. Hence, you have time to place it. Then you chose when you want it to fall. Then, it will go down in one shot.
Screenshots :
[Images not permitted - Click here to view it][Images not permitted - Click here to view it]
History :
08/07/2006 First release. No sound yet.
* Second release.
* Update for compatibility with M3 who had screens flipped.
* Changed some uggly textures.
* A few animations added.
* Changed again some uggly textures.
* Add randomizer init at startup.
* Changed the scoring system: each dropped shape weights 10 * the number of cubes it is compound of.
One line scores 200,
2 score 200 * 3
3 score 200 * 6
4 score 200 * 10
n score 200 * n * (n+1) / 2 (200 * summ of the n first integers)
* Changed fonts digits.
* Added a few animation for hibernation screen.
* SELECT button bound to "drop shape".
* Added a smiley showing score rank in case of highscore.
* Sounds ... (may be not final).
04/08/2006: Fourth version
New sounds.
Names in scores with the handwriting recognition system (partially, currently only letters from 'a' to 'g').
Various bug fixes.
How to play :
You have to move the shape and rotate the cube in order to make the shape going inside the cube to make lines. Any line made of 5 little cubes will then disapear..
To move the shapes and rotate the cube, keypad is used(up/down/left) (A/X/Y/B ). This choice can be configurated.
The bottom screen additionnaly proposes 5 big buttons (to be able to lay our big thumbs, full of chocolate :) ) that allow to (from left t right)
- Drop the shape
- Zoom in
- Reset zoom
- Zoom out
- Drop the shape (this, way, lefties and righties won't have to complain ;)
Other information :
QBX will be sumbitted to theNeo Summer Coding contest. :-'
Sources will of course be available, as always, as soon as the Neo contest dead-line is over.
-- Didou
Last edited by Didou on Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:22 pm; edited 4 times in total