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DS development > Looked everywhere I can think of for the MKDS track hack

#99969 - Nintendo Maniac 64 - Thu Aug 24, 2006 11:52 pm

Seriously, I've searched google, on here, Qj, dcemu, etc... And every single time, someone will maybe ask for help with getting it to work, but never where to get it! Either it's no longer get-able, or I'm REALLY blind (quite possible)

I'm looking for the version for if you actually own the MKDS game card, not the rom patch.

#99975 - dexter0 - Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:18 am

#99977 - Nintendo Maniac 64 - Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:02 am

after re-naming it to a .NDS, I got the dreaded WSoD (white screens of death)

I'm using a Supercard CF if that makes any difference. I also tried the patcher but then it'd do the load endlessly thing. Yes MKDS was in and yes my firmware is flashed, v7 btw.

EDIT: oh wait, I was just being stupid >_> I forgot to unpack it and then edit the values.

EDIT 2: I found this:

It's a premade set of tracks, but no beta ones :( If someone could find one like that or make one, but with the beta tracks also, that'd be awsome.