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DS development > Installing DEVKITPRO AND libnds

#108250 - aquafloe - Tue Nov 07, 2006 12:57 am

Are there detailed instructions of this, anywhere? It's very confusing.

#108252 - wintermute - Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:13 am

There's this -

What platform are you using and what specifically is confusing?
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#108256 - aquafloe - Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:27 am

I can install DevkitARM okay I think, but it's the installing of libnds that really gets confusing. I don't know which libnds file to use (there are 2 listed at sourceforge) and I've seen multiple docs where it says to extract it to your devkitarm folder using the command tar. Tar isn't even a command. It's just all very confusing.

#108257 - wintermute - Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:42 am

It would help a lot if you answered the first part of the question as well - What platform are you using?

libnds was originally a separate sourceforge project entitled ndslib and has since been merged into the devkitPro CVS. The old project hasn't been updated in quite some time. The most up to date version of libnds can be found at

If you're on windows the best thing to do is use the installer and just let it handle all the hard parts.

If you're on linux it's probably best to use the buildscripts

With OSX I'm told the installer package does everything you need but unfortunately that's not my area of expertise since I don't own a mac.

Since you say "tar isn't even a command" I would hazard a guess that you're on windows in which case I strongly advise you remove whatever you've installed so far, including any path settings and environment variables and use the installer.
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