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DS development > Beginner programmer - tutorial and reference

#118621 - Miggles - Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:51 pm

Hello, I'm a beginner programmer working my way through the tutorials available. Currently looking at Jaeden Amero's excellent tutorial and I'm having an issue - the output on my two screens is back to front - top is displaying the bottom and bottom displaying the top.

I have read that you can define the sub and main screens independently and all through chapter 5 I can see no code which actually states which screen will be which. At the end he shows a screenshot and mine is back to front. Is there a function for stating the role of each screen that I've overlooked or is it down to differences in libnds since the tutorial was written?

My other question is to do with reference material. Is there anything like a function reference for all of the functions available? Or the libnds defines? It's quite possible these were all included in devkitPro and that I'm just blind and if this is the case I apologise in advance.

Thanks for your help.

#118626 - tepples - Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:46 pm

Look for demos that include lcdMainOnTop() or lcdMainOnBottom().
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.