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DS development > LibNDS / LibGBA function name differences?

#131293 - Dwedit - Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:53 pm

Shouldn't someone go correct the function name differences between functions which do the exact same thing?
For example, I just noticed that LibGBA has "void setRepeat (int SetDelay, int SetRepeat)", while LibNDS has "void keysSetRepeat (u8 setDelay, u8 setRepeat)".
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#131308 - wintermute - Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:04 am

I'm in two minds about this being honest. I started renaming things in libgba to bring them in line with libnds & added some of the more useful libgba functions to libnds.

Right now I'm considering just replacing libgba with libtonc since that is much better documented and has a larger feature set. Perhaps a merge would be better to maintain some sort of connection with libnds naming schemes where it makes sense.
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