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DS development > Reading an homebrew's banner

#134255 - yellowstar - Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:01 am

How do I access an homebrew's banner?
I want to do this to access the icon.

I want to do this via FAT.
I would init FAT, then read in the file,
then access the banner.

This is a NDS program,
not a PC program.

This one is differen't than
in my other topic I posted a while ago.
That topic was called "Help! Setting the game icon and text".

#134382 - josath - Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:34 pm

yellowstar wrote:
How do I access an homebrew's banner?
I want to do this to access the icon.

I want to do this via FAT.
I would init FAT, then read in the file,
then access the banner.

You seem to be answering your own question. Can you elaborate on what you are having trouble with?

#134392 - DragonMinded - Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:07 pm

He wants to know where it is in the file. Look up the official nds header format, it's the same for homebrew too, and includes offsets to the file's name, icon, and banner. From there you can just pull the data out of the file. If you need help, look in DSO's source for how I extract the icon and text.
Enter the mind of the dragon.

Seriously guys, how hard is it to simply TRY something yourself?

#134549 - yellowstar - Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:44 pm

Yesterday, I searched the forums,
and I found the solution that way.