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DS development > testing programs with DS M3 SIMPLY?

#137832 - king501 - Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:26 pm

I'm planning to purchase DS M3 SIMPLY, and I'm curious to know, will my homebrew programs will work?

I'm asking because on most tutorials I've read they simply mention passthrough device via the GBA slot.


#137833 - Cocodrilo - Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:31 pm

I think it depends on what lib you're using...
If i remember right i think that pa_lib doesn't support Slot1 devices..
Correct me if its wrong!

#137834 - tepples - Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:48 pm

king501 wrote:
I'm planning to purchase DS M3 SIMPLY, and I'm curious to know, will my homebrew programs will work?

I'm asking because on most tutorials I've read they simply mention passthrough device via the GBA slot.

It depends. If your homebrew programs use GBFS or PAFS, two read-only file systems that are most often used appended to a ds.gba in SLOT-2, then it won't work without an EZ-Flash 3-in-1 card in SLOT-2. But modern homebrew that uses libfat should still work just fine. I have an R4, which is the same product, and it works for me.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#137838 - Lynx - Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:28 pm

Yup, as long as it wasn't compiled with an old version of PAlib that had touchscreen issues when launched from Slot-1 devices.

Basically, anything current with DLDI support should work fine.
NDS Homebrew Roms & Reviews

#137845 - ThousandKnives - Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:44 pm

I use an M3 DS Simply and it works fine for testing (I don't use PaLib though).

The question I would have is whether any of the Slot-2 devices are easier to deal with as far as transferring the program to and from the card. The process of taking the microSD card out of the slot-1 device to swap it into the USB slot, copying the data, then taking it back out of the USB device and putting it back into the slot-1 device gets a little tedious and distracting for trying to test and debug when emulators no longer do the trick.

My piggyback question to slot-2 users is whether those devices are easier for transferring data than a slot-1 device? I'm not familiar with the process.

#137847 - ChrisKnott - Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:02 pm

Same deal with the Slot 2 cards I think, you have to take the card out to transfer stuff to it.

It is a bit annoying, but to help you can set up an External Tool in VC++ that just runs a batch file to copy the .nds from your project folder to the SD card.

I have an R4, and I copy my project file to _DS_MSHL.nds, which it thinks is Moonshell - that means I can run my code just by hitting the music button on main screen.

You can also take the SD card out of the R4 without taking the R4 out of the DS.

All in all, it's not that bad, only takes a few seconds more than loading in an emulator.

There is some kit that lets you plug the ds straight into the computer, but it is pretty expensive, and I think you can possibly send it over Wifi but that'll be slower than taking the card in and out.

#137871 - king501 - Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:40 pm

Why is it sooooooo long to have a workable emulator for NDS???

GBA emulator was workable even before the hardware was sold... I don't understand because NDS isn't a so far technology in comparaison with GBA.

#137888 - dantheman - Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:32 am

You can speed up the debugging process by using one of the wireless transfer applications to transfer the files to your DS via wifi. Possibilities include DSFTP, Lilou FTP, and the various versions of Wifiloader that appear to be device-specific.

#137919 - Lynx - Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:45 pm

Same deal with the Slot 2 cards I think, you have to take the card out to transfer stuff to it.

The only one I know of personally that you at least don't have to remove the device itself is the SuperCard CF. It has the CF card sticking out. All the rest (that I know of) still require you to take the device out, remove the card, etc..

WiFi is the way to go.
NDS Homebrew Roms & Reviews

#137955 - mml - Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:08 am

It's possible to have the DS-X still in the DS and connect it to your computer. I haven't actually tried it, don't know if it would work, and wouldn't recommend it if it's your only flash cart just in case, but if you were very careful about how you went about it you might be able to get away with it. That said, it's not exactly a huge pain to just take it out and plug it into the computer each time anyway, since there's no fiddly little memory cards to deal with in the process.

#137956 - dantheman - Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:12 am

The Supercard miniSD and Supercard Lite also have the SD slot on the top of the cartridge so you can remove it without taking out the Supercard. I still find it cumbersome though, so I use Wifi if I just want to transfer a single file or two.