#145992 - ecaheti - Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:39 am
Hi everyone!
Quick presentation of me and my project.
I'm a student and i'm working on a project about driving a robot (Pekee, by Wanyrobotics) with a DS.
The developpement of the interfaces are quite advanced (thanks to PAlib) but I have problems with the communication between the DS and the robot. For it I have the full linux source code of a working program (compiling with a makefile).
When I only integrate the robot library
no trouble happens.
But when I want to use the library, for exemple with the declaration of an object define in this
I get a compilation error, maybe a link error, I don't know exactly
Some people told me that I have to create a "static library (.a)" and integrate it into the makefile of the DS project, but I don't know how to create a static library (with devkitpro?) and how integrate it in a makefile.
here is the makefile of the DS project
and here is the makefile of the linux project of the robot
The subject is complex, but I'm in trouble since 3 months! I can give you more details if needed.
Thank you by advance.
Quick presentation of me and my project.
I'm a student and i'm working on a project about driving a robot (Pekee, by Wanyrobotics) with a DS.
The developpement of the interfaces are quite advanced (thanks to PAlib) but I have problems with the communication between the DS and the robot. For it I have the full linux source code of a working program (compiling with a makefile).
When I only integrate the robot library
Code: |
#include "lib-pekee/libRobot/WRobotPekee.h" //inclusion des librairies du robot |
no trouble happens.
But when I want to use the library, for exemple with the declaration of an object define in this
Code: |
WRobotPekee pekee = WRobotPekee(); //D?claration d'un objet Pekee |
I get a compilation error, maybe a link error, I don't know exactly
Code: |
d:/devkitPro/PA_Pekee/Main-boutons-cible-formes-spatiale/source/main.cpp:39: undefined reference to `WRobotPekee::WRobotPekee()'
d:/devkitPro/PA_Pekee/Main-boutons-cible-formes-spatiale/source/main.cpp:183: undefined reference to `WRobotPekee::~WRobotPekee()' |
Some people told me that I have to create a "static library (.a)" and integrate it into the makefile of the DS project, but I don't know how to create a static library (with devkitpro?) and how integrate it in a makefile.
here is the makefile of the DS project
and here is the makefile of the linux project of the robot
The subject is complex, but I'm in trouble since 3 months! I can give you more details if needed.
Thank you by advance.