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DS development > New to Development on DS

#146599 - Dijinn - Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:57 pm

Hiya, everybody!

I'm totally new to development not only for DS, but for almost anything...

I know a bit of C/C++/C#, I created some solutions using the Visual Studio from Mr. Gates.

I'm impressed with the community here on development...

I felt in love with Q1 and Q2 for DS already (as almost anyone that like these games, I guess) and wanted to start on it

If anyone could gimme a hand, I got some nice ideas for game designs....

Thanks a lot everyone, even if I'm still waiting for an answer....

And you can count on a Brazilian dude whenever you want now ^.^ Just PM me and i'll do my best!

#146600 - bean_xp - Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:04 pm

Always good to get more devs interested, What exactly do you need a hand with?

And Good luck!

#146602 - Dijinn - Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:09 pm

To tell the truth, with everything....


I have a DS Lite and a Revolution card with 2gb memory on the microSD card....

That's my hardware.....

From that point on, I don't have a clue on how to begin development

#146606 - bean_xp - Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:37 pm

Firstly I'd like to point you to the DevKitPro Toolchain and the excellent collection of links here!

#146613 - darknut101 - Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:10 pm

Myself being new to the DS as well I would be glad to recommend some tutorials that were a great help for me.

This one is my favorite

This one is nice because it comes with source and a downloadable pdf tutorial

Hope that helps and best of luck!

#148275 - zelderman - Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:04 am

Hey. I just recently (like 2 days ago) got interesting in DS homebrew game making. I have spent that time looking for tools and programs I could use. I downloaded devkitARM. what kind of program would I use to make and import 3-d models? could I use 3ds max since I already have that on my comp, or would I need something else. also what kind of engines are (freely) available?. getting the models done and rigged, is the first step I would like to do, then go from there. Any help?
I'll think of something later, but right now, I'm in a hurry.

#148281 - melw - Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:38 am

Zelderman, there's few exisiting model converters and exporters - although I can't remember if anyone here has done one for 3ds/max, converting from one format to another is relatively easy.

#148344 - zelderman - Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:47 pm

thanx, ill keep those in mind.
I'll think of something later, but right now, I'm in a hurry.