#167827 - Nitto - Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:28 am
Using devkitPro,C/C++ or ASM is there a way that I could boot an ROM or NDS if I could access it off a drive like an sd card (I mean programing wise)?
Thanks in Advance, Nitto
PostScript: This is my first post.
~Simplicity is what counts but so does design
#167828 - Dwedit - Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:46 am
You can always load files and jump to them, provided you follow the file format.
If you are intending to run commercial games, those requires lots of complicated hacking.
"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."
#167835 - Nitto - Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:03 pm
Dwedit wrote: |
You can always load files and jump to them, provided you follow the file format.
If you are intending to run commercial games, those requires lots of complicated hacking. |
Yea I was reading up bit and found that I get a return address and then jump to the others and then it comes back to the address I specified. I also noticed that getting all the files corrupts the stack.
1. How would I go about with commercial roms? Should I check passme source?
2. How could I load all the files into an array without corrupting the stack, and to "Hack" for commercial roms were could I look?
~Simplicity is what counts but so does design
#167837 - zzo38computer - Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:21 pm
If you want to run from the DS card you can check the FWNITRO source-codes.
Important: Please send messages about FWNITRO to the public forum, not privately to me.
#167842 - Nitto - Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:42 pm
zzo38computer wrote: |
If you want to run from the DS card you can check the FWNITRO source-codes. |
Is there a way I could load it of an SD card? Ie: No flashing my firmware just using some code to boot of a chip?
And I am getting mix reviews here saying it flashes the firmware.
~Simplicity is what counts but so does design
#167843 - Nitto - Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:55 am
Could I read a file lets say:
Code: |
char* readWholeFile(const char * filename)
//Open file
FILE* dl = NULL;
dl = fopen(filename, "r");
//Find file size
fseek(dl , 0 , SEEK_END);
int dlTotalBytes = ftell(dl);
//allocate memory to contain the whole file:
char* fileBuffer = (char*)malloc(dlTotalBytes);
int result = fread(fileBuffer,1,dlTotalBytes,dl);
//Something went wrong? Free the memory.
if (result != dlTotalBytes)
fileBuffer = NULL;
//Close and return
return fileBuffer;
Thus reading it off the sd card, but My question is how could I link this to a custom built card based of pass-me? Ie: A chip, then sd input?
~Simplicity is what counts but so does design
#168066 - silent_code - Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:18 pm
Please read the forum rules, where you will see that talking about software piracy (running ROMs of commercial games) is a thing we don't do here.
July 5th 08: "Volumetric Shadow Demo" 1.6.0 (final) source released
June 5th 08: "Zombie NDS" WIP released!
It's all on my page, just click WWW below.
#168107 - Nitto - Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:33 am
silent_code wrote: |
Please read the forum rules, where you will see that talking about software piracy (running ROMs of commercial games) is a thing we don't do here.
Thanks. |
I am trying to boot home brew o.o - like Nitro
~Simplicity is what counts but so does design
#168108 - Mighty Max - Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:40 am
Nitto wrote: |
I am trying to boot home brew o.o - like Nitro |
Nitto wrote: |
1. How would I go about with commercial roms? Should I check passme source? |
So that question is done?
For the other cases, there are some threads on that already. Do a search and be presented with several approaches.
GBAMP Multiboot
#168109 - Nitto - Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:44 am
Mighty Max wrote: |
Nitto wrote: |
I am trying to boot home brew o.o - like Nitro |
Nitto wrote: |
1. How would I go about with commercial roms? Should I check passme source? |
So that question is done?
For the other cases, there are some threads on that already. Do a search and be presented with several approaches. |
I know I will have to load the file, so I wrote a simplistic approach to micro sd. I then will load this file, that will then load some other file (.nds) then load it into memory and execute.
And I stopped with commercial roms due to the fact that there will be protection.
~Simplicity is what counts but so does design
#168114 - spinal_cord - Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:55 pm
Chishm has made a homebrew loader, the source is here in the forum somewhere, maybe that can help you?
[edit] there is a version of his loader on his tunavids page[/edit]
I'm not a boring person, it's just that boring things keep happening to me.
#168128 - Nitto - Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:35 pm
spinal_cord wrote: |
Chishm has made a homebrew loader, the source is here in the forum somewhere, maybe that can help you?
[edit] there is a version of his loader on his tunavids page[/edit] |
Well I had the loading done: http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.php?p=168106#168106
~Simplicity is what counts but so does design