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DS development > Screen "blink" when turning Extended Palette

#168679 - renatobs - Fri May 15, 2009 1:48 pm

Hi. I?m using a diferent palette ( extended pallete ) to each character picture that I need show in SUB_BG_2. Every time I need set the VRAM H to LCD mode, load the palette and after set the VRAM H to Extended Palette mode. The problem is that the sub_screen is "flashing" ( blink ) every time I did these changes. Have some way to avoid this blinks ? This is so boring...

#168680 - elhobbs - Fri May 15, 2009 2:34 pm

flag that an update is required and make the change during vblank interrupt.

#168685 - sverx - Fri May 15, 2009 4:37 pm

renatobs wrote:
Hi. I?m using a diferent palette ( extended pallete ) to each character picture that I need show in SUB_BG_2.

You could load all the palettes before, if your pictures are less than 16...