#169034 - delete - Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:15 am
okay, i have never really programmed anything for the DS, apart from making little music scripts and tunes with CellsDS and Nitrotracker. I have devkitARM installed, have followed some tutorials and played with some examples, so you could say i'm not a total newb, but please bear with me and my limited knowledge on the subject.
now that DSi is out and "homebrewed" (or will soon be) i believe that music apps can go one step ahead and include real (although realistic in terms of the resources available) audio processing, instead of fake delays and reverbs.
instead of writing proprietary effects, it would be great if a standard could be followed. this way already existing effects could be easily ported and people with some expertise on this kind of programming wouldn't need to learn how to use new tools. the potentially most DS-friendly audio effects standard i can think of is LADSPA ( http://www.ladspa.org/ ). from what i understand, the basic functions needed to develop plug-ins are included in a C header file ( http://www.ladspa.org/ladspa_sdk/ladspa.h.txt ).
after all this yadda, my question is: how easy would it be to make LADSPA (or maybe another kind of plug-ins) work on the DS? I have some programming experience, so i'd be willing to write some 100s of lines of code. I have the impression that LADSPA is also available for some computer architectures based on ARM, maybe this could speed things up a bit?
thanks and sorry for the long first post.
now that DSi is out and "homebrewed" (or will soon be) i believe that music apps can go one step ahead and include real (although realistic in terms of the resources available) audio processing, instead of fake delays and reverbs.
instead of writing proprietary effects, it would be great if a standard could be followed. this way already existing effects could be easily ported and people with some expertise on this kind of programming wouldn't need to learn how to use new tools. the potentially most DS-friendly audio effects standard i can think of is LADSPA ( http://www.ladspa.org/ ). from what i understand, the basic functions needed to develop plug-ins are included in a C header file ( http://www.ladspa.org/ladspa_sdk/ladspa.h.txt ).
after all this yadda, my question is: how easy would it be to make LADSPA (or maybe another kind of plug-ins) work on the DS? I have some programming experience, so i'd be willing to write some 100s of lines of code. I have the impression that LADSPA is also available for some computer architectures based on ARM, maybe this could speed things up a bit?
thanks and sorry for the long first post.