forum archive

This is a read-only mirror of the content originally found on (now offline), salvaged from Wayback machine copies. A new forum can be found here.

DS development > wi-fi on DS, for those who are lacking something to read ;)

#177344 - sverx - Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:17 pm
... then sgstair told me that (if he recall correctly) he once saw that the data link connection to the wi-fi chip was indeed only 2 Mbps. I should have asked him before ;)
libXM7|NDS programming tutorial (Italiano)|Waimanu DS / GBA|A DS Homebrewer's Diary

#177364 - hacker013 - Fri May 11, 2012 9:30 pm

Nice to read, it gives faith that there are still some people in NDS homebrew. Any progress on DSWifi or has sgstair stopped development for good ?
Website / Blog

Let the nds be with you.

#177369 - sverx - Mon May 14, 2012 9:57 am

I think he's no longer working on DSWifi, but I guess you should ask him directly...
libXM7|NDS programming tutorial (Italiano)|Waimanu DS / GBA|A DS Homebrewer's Diary