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DS development > The DS Wiki

#21691 - Zero - Thu Jun 03, 2004 1:41 am

I have put up a wiki with all of the information I have about the DS in it (nothing new, I thnk...). Since it is a wiki if you have any information on the DS you could edit it and add your information also. I would like it to become a cross of the cowbite spec (which I found most usefull for the gba) and tutorials on tons of topics. Hopefull the DS homebrew community will take a hold of it and turn it into something great.

Also if anyone had visited I am moving it onto zerohaven (I have more space/control there) and would like to thank SimonB and the rest of the staff/people for hosting it.

#21693 - Shock The Dark Mage - Thu Jun 03, 2004 2:41 am

Great idea, will contribute when I'll get time and more info about the Nintendo DS.
Founding membre of Pixel Coders.

#21696 - MumblyJoe - Thu Jun 03, 2004 4:15 am

Good stuff Zero, I have just signed up and made one change :P

Also just a little thing, it keeps logging me out of the site, even the link to the main page from the thanks for logging in page does it.
Version 2.0 now up - guaranteed at least 100% more pleasing!

#21697 - Zero - Thu Jun 03, 2004 4:20 am

really?? what browser do you use. I tested it with firefox 0.8, mozilla 1.6 and IE 6something.... IE does have issues though....

#21740 - MumblyJoe - Fri Jun 04, 2004 6:21 am

Yeah, I am using IE, but I have some extensions turned on for popup blocking etc so it could be any number of things.
Version 2.0 now up - guaranteed at least 100% more pleasing!