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DS development > DS Download Play

#32790 - revo - Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:16 pm

What do you think - DS Download Play option can give developers availability to launch games from PC's hard drive through wi-fi ?

Just imagine - game compilation on PC, then one touch on DS to start DS Download Play and that's all. I hope it's possible... ;)

Last edited by revo on Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

#32791 - dagamer34 - Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:17 pm

I'm pretty sure Nintendo has strict guidelines and regulations on what can be sent/received through WiFi.
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(

#32793 - revo - Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:33 pm

dagamer34 wrote:
I'm pretty sure Nintendo has strict guidelines and regulations on what can be sent/received through WiFi.

But if DS Download Play allows to start multiplayer game without having game cart, I'm almost sure, that it is possible to execute any code in that way.

I read in one magazine today, that PSP allows developers to execute code via wi-fi (from dev-kits). Maybe DS also have kind of "Wi-Fi DevMode" or something?

#32795 - dagamer34 - Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:42 pm

revo wrote:
dagamer34 wrote:
I'm pretty sure Nintendo has strict guidelines and regulations on what can be sent/received through WiFi.

But if DS Download Play allows to start multiplayer game without having game cart, I'm almost sure, that it is possible to execute any code in that way.

I read in one magazine today, that PSP allows developers to execute code via wi-fi (from dev-kits). Maybe DS also have kind of "Wi-Fi DevMode" or something?

Possible? Definitely. But I don't think Nintendo had that in mind for the end consumer. Too many unplanned things can happen if things were to get out of control.
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(

#32797 - revo - Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:58 pm

I don't think, that DS could recognize, what is proper game to download, or what is not. In my opinion, for hardware it is only some code to run - if we can send it, then we can run it. If commercial games could, then why we couldn't?

#32798 - dagamer34 - Tue Dec 28, 2004 12:04 am

revo wrote:
I don't think, that DS could recognize, what is proper game to download, or what is not. In my opinion, for hardware it is only some code to run - if we can send it, then we can run it. If commercial games could, then why we couldn't?

What I meant to say is that it is possible for developers to send games from a PC. However, the DS uses NiFi for its communication protocol. At the moment, only 1 USB stick is capable of sending and receiving data from the DS, and that is only with hacked drivers. And no developer knew that a USB stick would work in the first place. It's not the same as with the PSP, because it uses WiFi for everything, which any wireless device can be used to communicate to it.

It's easily possible for someone in the public to send a ROM to the DS for exectution, but we are still quite far away from that happening.
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(

#32800 - tepples - Tue Dec 28, 2004 12:41 am

revo wrote:
I don't think, that DS could recognize, what is proper game to download, or what is not. In my opinion, for hardware it is only some code to run - if we can send it, then we can run it. If commercial games could, then why we couldn't?

Ever heard of public-key encryption and digital signatures? Microsoft used a digital signature on Xbox executables to try to keep out homebrewers.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#32803 - TJ - Tue Dec 28, 2004 4:05 am

Hasn't this all been covered in the "Wireless Cracking" topic?

#32851 - wrath_child - Tue Dec 28, 2004 6:38 pm

We are here to develop this system stop being so negative anything is possible with just a bit of time

#32852 - Spaceface - Tue Dec 28, 2004 6:56 pm

I think it's definitly possible.. the only problem is dat download play has a 4MB max.. which'll make it pretty hard to actually develop huge-ass games...

#32856 - tepples - Tue Dec 28, 2004 8:24 pm

Spaceface wrote:
I think it's definitly possible.. the only problem is dat download play has a 4MB max.. which'll make it pretty hard to actually develop huge-ass games...

Not necessarily.
  • How huge were the Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, Chrono Trigger, etc. RPGs on Super NES? Most were under 32 Mbits (4 MBytes).
  • What about a Download Play that can flash an F2A cart for asset storage?
  • If you're using a PC to boot Download Play, then what about streaming assets from that PC?

-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#32890 - Alex Atkin UK - Wed Dec 29, 2004 12:11 am

I think this is exactly how DS Linux will end up working, at least as an option.

It would make much more sense to be able to stream off the PC the software you want to use, possibly like you said then saving it to some sort of flash in the GBA slot, than to have to have EVERYTHING on a cart.

I suspect this might be done via bootloader on a cart though rather than the multiboot option. This way you can have a full TCP/IP stack fire up meaning you can then stream using ANY wireless kit, possibly even via a VPN to your home PC if you are at a wifi hotspot. I hate to say that the PSP is better designed for all this though, apart from its lack of a touchscreen.
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#32891 - Darkain - Wed Dec 29, 2004 12:18 am

see, we already have a 20+ page thread just on this topic. there really isnt a need to start another one. WMB is exactly what we are working on, and have been for over a month now.
-=- Darkain Dragoon -=-
DarkStar for Nintendo DS

#32894 - Boeboe - Wed Dec 29, 2004 1:05 am

tepples wrote:
Spaceface wrote:
I think it's definitly possible.. the only problem is dat download play has a 4MB max.. which'll make it pretty hard to actually develop huge-ass games...

Not necessarily. [list][*]How huge were the Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, Chrono Trigger, etc. RPGs on Super NES? Most were under 32 Mbits (4 MBytes).

don't forget that you lose all your data when you turn of the DS. Or where you going to play Chrono Trigger 20 hours (or more) straight? :p

#32902 - tepples - Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:45 am

If you can understand wireless multiboot, you can probably figure out the rest of wireless comms and make a TCP/IP stack, and you can dump an RPG's save file back to the PC, possibly even by emulating a SMB (server message block, not Super Mario Bros.) client.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#32914 - dagamer34 - Wed Dec 29, 2004 4:55 am

4MB is still quite a bit when you think about it. What exactly would you send over that would take much more space than that?
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(

#32991 - flipper - Wed Dec 29, 2004 11:22 pm

Darkain wrote:

see, we already have a 20+ page thread just on this topic. there really isnt a need to start another one. WMB is exactly what we are working on, and have been for over a month now.

Well, nothing's happened on that thread since the 23rd.

Nice to see that now that I finally got a DS, everyone's given up on WMB.

#33003 - gladius - Thu Dec 30, 2004 12:44 am

Everyone has not given up. It's christmas time, so family took precedence over wireless mulitboot work :). I'm waiting on another wireless card right now before I really start up again (and hopefully this time I'll be able to make some windows drivers).

#33017 - dagamer34 - Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:07 am

gladius wrote:
Everyone has not given up. It's christmas time, so family took precedence over wireless mulitboot work :). I'm waiting on another wireless card right now before I really start up again (and hopefully this time I'll be able to make some windows drivers).

Any wireless card in specific? Are you going to use the one that Tim was working on?
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(

#33083 - gladius - Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:15 pm

A usb prism2 adapter. It's not a Sweex stick (the one Tim is working on).