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DS development > Making Tiles

#39672 - human_tree - Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:01 am

Hey all.. I have a favor to ask.. Could someone please take a look at this tutorial..

..and explain to me how to make tiles as it says using Windows? I tried getting GIMP but still had trouble with it. I have Adobe Photoshop CS as well if I can use that.. Thanks to anyone that can help..

And if anyone could tell me any other tutorials I should read to start me doing some graphics on the DS that would be great.


#39701 - Zhila - Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:29 pm

There was a tutorial on Pixel Art somewhere, but I've since lost the link. A great tool for tile based graphic would be Usenti from Cearn Space. It's an all purpose palette based graphics tool mainly designed for use with the GBA.
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#39706 - NoMis - Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:37 pm

Could this be the tutorial you meant:

So You Want To Be A Pixel Artist?
