#41162 - Mike - Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:50 am
Which emulator would you like to see most for Nintendo DS?
Perhaps this poll will give emulator developers a heads-up on what to start working on. ;)
#41163 - wintermute - Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:54 am
oh shut the fuck up about your damn emulators.
Learn to code & write one yourself
#41165 - TJ - Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:55 am
I can't believe you put the CD-I and NGage up there....and not the NES...
#41166 - darkfader - Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:03 am
You forgot "Pokemon Mini", "Gameboy (Color)", "NES", "C64", "none at all, emulators suck", "other platform".
It ain't fair otherwise. I suggest editing the poll and start over :)
Last edited by darkfader on Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:13 am; edited 2 times in total
#41167 - kiwibonga - Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:08 am
He also forgot "All of the above"
But yeah, if we keep making polls instead of coding them, nothing's gonna come out ;p
#41168 - Mike - Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:09 am
wintermute wrote: |
oh shut the fuck up about your damn emulators.
Learn to code & write one yourself |
Hey pal, I *am* a programmer. The actual reason I'm putting this poll up here is because I'm in the middle of writing a PSX emulator from scratch for the DS, and would like to poll the popularity of other platforms as well. I placed a wink emoticon in my last sentence to imply this.
Also, I recently did some work for a popular N64 emulator on the XBOX.
I presume you took me for a warez kiddy. I suggest browsing the forum first next time to get an idea first of the person before you start dissing.
#41169 - Mike - Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:11 am
darkfader wrote: |
You forgot "Pokemon Mini", "Gameboy (Color)", "NES", "C64", "none at all, emulators suck", "other platform".
It ain't fair otherwise. |
Well, I didn't include the emulators forwhich there are allready GBA versions. :)
#41171 - darkfader - Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:15 am
They should be ported as first :)
Imagine C64 with virtual keyboard :)
#41172 - Mike - Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:19 am
darkfader wrote: |
They should be ported as first :)
Imagine C64 with virtual keyboard :) |
Yeah, that's true ...
I had the C64 in the list initially, and now regret having pulled it out.
I presume the authors of many emulators for the GBA will port their code to the DS though, as the porting threshold isn't that high.
#41173 - Cleon I - Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:24 am
This is offtopic, but what kind of progress are you making on the PSX emu? It seems like finding a way to store a CD-worth of data would be somewhat difficult on the DS, and streaming via WiFi isn't an option just yet. Are you limiting yourself to very small and very stripped-down ISOs? Or is this a homebrew-only emulator?
#41174 - neptunez - Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:31 am
so many choices...
I wonder how many of those are actually possible though, like the n-gage, saturn and psx already have me doubting.
Some mame releases could be possible (older releases)
#41175 - bluknight - Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:32 am
Mike wrote: |
darkfader wrote: | You forgot "Pokemon Mini", "Gameboy (Color)", "NES", "C64", "none at all, emulators suck", "other platform".
It ain't fair otherwise. |
Well, I didn't include the emulators forwhich there are allready GBA versions. :) |
SNES emu for GBA: (by Loopy?)
(Also not to say that you shouldn't make an SNES emulator for the DS thuogh...)
#41177 - josath - Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:44 am
I want dosbox! http://dosbox.sf.net/
I want to play Commander Keen on my ds! (not that crappy gbc game that just happend to use the command keen name...man was I disappointed when I played that game)
#41178 - Darkain - Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:22 am
i would just like to note that "MAME" isnt 1 single emulator.. it is a collection of countless emulators thrown together into a single collection. i would personally love to see the ultra 64 (Killer Instinct) emulated specifically, because this just isnt as common as all of the others.
(first person to yell at me about me calling it "ultra 64" and not "nintendo 64" needs to do research into arcade boards)
as for the poll tho, i think its lame. :) we currently still have the limitation of code being copied to RAM, giving us a maximum size of 4MB total to work with. how much emulation you plan to fit into this tiny space anyways ???
-=- Darkain Dragoon -=-
DarkStar for Nintendo DS
#41184 - Mike - Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:50 am
Cleon I wrote: |
This is offtopic, but what kind of progress are you making on the PSX emu? It seems like finding a way to store a CD-worth of data would be somewhat difficult on the DS, and streaming via WiFi isn't an option just yet. Are you limiting yourself to very small and very stripped-down ISOs? Or is this a homebrew-only emulator? |
The emulator hasn't being officially anounced yet, as it is still possible that I will shift priorities to another platform (presumably SNES). However, I have completed an entire emulation engine, which is non-target specific, and am now about to start adding MIPSR3000 opcodes and their C and machine code counterparts to the system, which will take most of the time. Atfer that, adding co-processor functionality (the GPU first) would be the next logical step.
I have some experience with the MIPS architecture, and the PSX hardware itself as well, so writing a PSX emulator should not be out of my league.
I've planned an ingenius system to conquer the limitations of iso storage, yet I don't want to give too much information away as I'm quite proud of it ;) Though at first, I presume only homebrew demos would run anyways.
Quote: |
I wonder how many of those are actually possible though, like the n-gage, saturn and psx already have me doubting. |
The saturn has two CPUs, which the DS has as well, so it might be theorethically possible. However, those CPUs are relatively fast, and the saturn itself is not that extravagantly well documented.
I'm doubting the relevance of an N-Gage emulator, as the games released for it are quite suck, though I believe it would be possible to emulate it.
The PSX on the other hand lends itself well for emulation on the DS. There's nothing that currently says that it can't be pulled off due to memory or speed issues.
#41185 - bluknight - Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:55 am
I think an SNES or N64 emulator would be best... Not sure how feasible a N64 one would be though.
#41187 - Darkain - Tue Apr 26, 2005 4:29 am
Quote: |
I've planned an ingenius system to conquer the limitations of iso storage, yet I don't want to give too much information away as I'm quite proud of it ;) Though at first, I presume only homebrew demos would run anyways. |
oh, you mean the GBA ATAPI interface...
-=- Darkain Dragoon -=-
DarkStar for Nintendo DS
#41189 - Extreme Coder - Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:26 am
Way to go dude for your PS emulator! I recall some guy in the other forum saying no hope was there to emulate it. I would have wrote it myself but I'm not familiar at all with the PS structure. I better go back to continue working on my SNES emulator on DS...
#41193 - yakumo - Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:11 am
Hey, I want a MAME emu as well. And of course, how not, MSX,MSX2,MSX2+ and MSX Turbo R emulators 8)
Yakumo, seeking Pai.
#41198 - FluBBa - Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:25 am
Mike wrote: |
darkfader wrote: | You forgot "Pokemon Mini", "Gameboy (Color)", "NES", "C64", "none at all, emulators suck", "other platform".
It ain't fair otherwise. |
Well, I didn't include the emulators forwhich there are allready GBA versions. :) |
So you mean that there are "Pokemon Mini", "Gameboy Color" & "C64" emulators but not "SNES", "Master System" or "Turbografx 16" emulators for the GBA? :-P
I probably suck, my not is a programmer.
#41202 - chewie - Tue Apr 26, 2005 11:06 am
Mike wrote: |
wintermute wrote: | oh shut the fuck up about your damn emulators.
Learn to code & write one yourself |
Hey pal, I *am* a programmer. The actual reason I'm putting this poll up here is because I'm in the middle of writing a PSX emulator from scratch for the DS, and would like to poll the popularity of other platforms as well. I placed a wink emoticon in my last sentence to imply this.
Also, I recently did some work for a popular N64 emulator on the XBOX.
I presume you took me for a warez kiddy. I suggest browsing the forum first next time to get an idea first of the person before you start dissing. |
good luck for emulating psx, I really doubt it's possible...
#41204 - TheChuckster - Tue Apr 26, 2005 11:53 am
@PSEmuGuy: Show me the code, and I'll believe you.
Any how, I hate to be repeating the viewpoint of several others here, but if you want an emulator that badly, write it yourself. Or port it.
#41206 - NoMis - Tue Apr 26, 2005 12:09 pm
TheChuckster wrote: |
@PSEmuGuy: Show me the code, and I'll believe you.
Any how, I hate to be repeating the viewpoint of several others here, but if you want an emulator that badly, write it yourself. Or port it. |
He actually does.
Mike wrote: |
Hey pal, I *am* a programmer. The actual reason I'm putting this poll up here is because I'm in the middle of writing a PSX emulator from scratch for the DS, and would like to poll the popularity of other platforms as well. I placed a wink emoticon in my last sentence to imply this. |
#41207 - Ben - Tue Apr 26, 2005 12:42 pm
I reckon PSX is well possible. Bleem could run on a 266mhz PC so as long as he can make good use of the GPU then it can be done. Dunno about this 'genius' ISO system. Sounds like he's thinking outside the box if you know what I mean ;) :p
#41213 - Lupin - Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:14 pm
making a PSX emu for the DS is like making a PC emu for a TI83... ok, not really but the DS doesn't have enough power to emulate PSX games.
Team Pokeme
My blog and PM ASM tutorials
#41267 - tepples - Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:45 am
Mike wrote: |
darkfader wrote: | You forgot "Pokemon Mini", "Gameboy (Color)", "NES", "C64", "none at all, emulators suck", "other platform".
It ain't fair otherwise. |
Well, I didn't include the emulators forwhich there are allready GBA versions. :) |
You didn't include GBC. I try to run ROMs on Goomba and get "works only with Game Boy Color" errors.
And PocketNES for GBA is missing a lot of features that could be better done on the Nintendo DS: - mappers, especially RAMBO-1 (Klax)
- cycle accuracy
- mid-scanline bankswitching (Punch-Out!!, Fire Emblem, Famicom Wars, Pirates!, Marble Madness)
- sprite 0 accuracy
- 8:7 and 6:5 scaling modes for a more accurate aspect ratio
- smooth tile scaling with linear interpolation in 4:3 or 8:7 modes
- wireless multiplayer
- $4011 sound (Big Bird's Hide and Speak uses it for prompts in all modes but "sun"; several other games use it for sound effects)
- PlayChoice 10 (display instructions on the top screen and gameplay on the bottom screen)
- Zapper (touch to shoot; press L to shoot offscreen)
- Smash TV dual rotated controllers (mapped to D-pad and XBYA)
- Arkanoid paddle (mapped to touch screen)
I'm not wishing for something as accurate as Nintendulator, just something as good-enough as, say, FCE Ultra.
But should PSP get cracked, I'd almost suggest a PS1 emulator for PSP.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#41270 - Cleon I - Wed Apr 27, 2005 1:03 am
If you're writing an emulator just to have fun/learn about emulation, then sure, improving PocketNES would be a great idea.
But if you're trying to meet the community's demand for new emulators, which is what Mike seems to be doing, it makes more sense to work on something that doesn't already have a decent implementation available. It could turn out that the demand is higher for a better NES emulator, but judging by the dominance of SNES in this poll, I think that would be a better choice.
#41293 - xevan90x - Wed Apr 27, 2005 4:13 am
A PSX emulator would be awesome!
#41303 - linus - Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:34 am
Hey while were on the subject on anyone got a SNES emu in the making? I know its a bit rude to ask and i should make my own, but it would take me about a year to get my skills up! I know loopy has done some great work with the GBA SNES emulator, but it would be nice to have one for the DS - I really wanna play the classics like Seiken Densetsu 3 and FFV.
Nice to hear someones attepting a PSX emulator, I wouldnt have thought it possible, but after seeing Loopy's SNES emu I realise cutbacks can always be made.
Good luck!
#41483 - mariods - Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:51 pm
PSX was the DVD recorder version of the PS2,wasn't it?so youre making a PS2 emulator.or are you talking about the regular PS.WOuld the DS really have enough power to do that?how would it work?would there be a DS cart with a emulator and the GBA carts have the games,or will the gba carts have the emu. and the games?
#41484 - josath - Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:59 pm
PSX is generally meant to mean Playstation (the first one). see here: http://www.google.com/search?&q=define%3Apsx
#41495 - Zhila - Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:53 am
I really don't understand Sony's approach with the post PS2 PSX (the name anyway). Back when Nintendo was developing the Play Station with Sony, then canceled development, Sony went to create the PlayStation, and sold (I believe) 200 units. This was during the time SNES first debuted. A few years later (1995) Sony redesigned and upgraded the PlayStation, and called it PlayStationX. The X was never really marketed, and thus everyone simply called it PlayStation, but the abbriviation continued, PSX. This is probably off topic for such a forum, but it might help those understand the difference between the two PSX machines.
Current high scores on Super Mario 64 DS:
Shell Smash - 50230
Wanted - 140
#41502 - Sebbo - Fri Apr 29, 2005 6:20 am
i've never heard it that way zhila. i've always thought that the Playstation released in 1995 was the by product of a CD add-on for the SNES, nintendo decided it wasn't a good idea and cancelled the contract and Sony tried to sue, gave up and made the attachment into the 1995 PlayStation
oh, and Sony is really disappointed with how the PSX has performed (the PS2/DVD Recorder hybrid). no mp3 support (apparently cos one of their one copyright laws forbids it) and only 4x write, as well as poor sales
#41543 - Zhila - Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:41 pm
Hmm... my information comes from HowStuffWorks.com: How a Playstation Works. Page 1 has information about the history. It seems some of my information is slightly different from how it's said, as I really hadn't looked at it in over a year, but it's mostly accurate.
Current high scores on Super Mario 64 DS:
Shell Smash - 50230
Wanted - 140
#41644 - look - Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:03 pm
A snes emulator working at 100% speed with sound would be great.
Isn't the DS the best equiped portable machine to do this?
I'd like to see some old 8bit personal computers emulators. Using the touch screen for keyboard support.
#41648 - dagamer34 - Sat Apr 30, 2005 8:13 pm
look wrote: |
A snes emulator working at 100% speed with sound would be great.
Isn't the DS the best equiped portable machine to do this?
I'd like to see some old 8bit personal computers emulators. Using the touch screen for keyboard support. |
Yes, the DS is probably the best machine to do this since it still has the remenants of the SNES's graphics chip architecture carried over by the GBA.
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(
#41651 - tepples - Sat Apr 30, 2005 8:25 pm
Not exactly. The GBA's PPU lacks some of the effects essential to accurate Super NES emulation: 1. subtractive blending, 2. offset per tile (Tetris Attack), and 3. priority per tile (no, four GBA layers isn't enough to emulate all the combinations of layer bits on three Super NES layers).
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#41672 - Fox5 - Sun May 01, 2005 12:54 am
Why would a n64 emulator be impossible? Why not just not emulate things that would be difficult to do, like the n64's filtering?
#41677 - dagamer34 - Sun May 01, 2005 2:58 am
tepples wrote: |
Not exactly. The GBA's PPU lacks some of the effects essential to accurate Super NES emulation: 1. subtractive blending, 2. offset per tile (Tetris Attack), and 3. priority per tile (no, four GBA layers isn't enough to emulate all the combinations of layer bits on three Super NES layers). |
Remnants of the architecture, but not the same. In general, what you can do on the SNES can be done on the GBA. Sure, some stuff isn't there, but when compared to the N64 or PSOne, it's completely different.
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(
#41678 - Sebbo - Sun May 01, 2005 3:10 am
Fox5 wrote: |
Why would a n64 emulator be impossible? Why not just not emulate things that would be difficult to do, like the n64's filtering? |
because the DS is basically a n64. it would need to be much more powerful to emulate it. however, you could port n64 games to the DS if u had the code
#41680 - Fox5 - Sun May 01, 2005 3:29 am
Sebbo wrote: |
Fox5 wrote: | Why would a n64 emulator be impossible? Why not just not emulate things that would be difficult to do, like the n64's filtering? |
because the DS is basically a n64. it would need to be much more powerful to emulate it. however, you could port n64 games to the DS if u had the code |
Well if you'll say that, then isn't GBA basically just a SNES, and SNES was emulated on GBA with things removed or incorrect.
#41683 - Sebbo - Sun May 01, 2005 4:07 am
yes, the GBA is basically a smaller SNES, but there are some big differences that wouldn't allow SNES emulation on a GBA. all the SNES games u find on GBA are just ports, not emulated... the snes has two shoulder buttons and four face buttons. the gba only has 2 face buttons (as well as the 2 shoulder buttons), so obviously an emulator wouldn't even work that well in that respect.
and as tepples said b4, there are some graphical features the GBA can't do but the SNES can
#41685 - The 9th Sage - Sun May 01, 2005 4:18 am
tepples wrote: |
Not exactly. The GBA's PPU lacks some of the effects essential to accurate Super NES emulation: 1. subtractive blending, 2. offset per tile (Tetris Attack), and 3. priority per tile (no, four GBA layers isn't enough to emulate all the combinations of layer bits on three Super NES layers). |
I'm not totally sure on what the offest per tile is, but couldn't things like blending be done by the 3-D hardware? Or can't 3-D effects be overlayed onto the 2-D core of the DS?
I'm just wondering, I don't know enough about the hardware to know this for certain all by myself.
Now with 20% More Old Man from Zelda 1 than ever before!
#41686 - octopusfluff - Sun May 01, 2005 4:22 am
Sebbo wrote: |
yes, the GBA is basically a smaller SNES, but there are some big differences that wouldn't allow SNES emulation on a GBA. all the SNES games u find on GBA are just ports, not emulated... the snes has two shoulder buttons and four face buttons. the gba only has 2 face buttons (as well as the 2 shoulder buttons), so obviously an emulator wouldn't even work that well in that respect.
and as tepples said b4, there are some graphical features the GBA can't do but the SNES can |
snesadvance, maybe?
It doesn't run all that hot, but it -does- work.
And it's not that the GBA can't do it, it's that it doesn't natively have the exact same mechanisms for some of the SNES' features.
#41728 - Fox5 - Sun May 01, 2005 3:36 pm
Sebbo wrote: |
yes, the GBA is basically a smaller SNES, but there are some big differences that wouldn't allow SNES emulation on a GBA. all the SNES games u find on GBA are just ports, not emulated... the snes has two shoulder buttons and four face buttons. the gba only has 2 face buttons (as well as the 2 shoulder buttons), so obviously an emulator wouldn't even work that well in that respect.
and as tepples said b4, there are some graphical features the GBA can't do but the SNES can |
Umm, there is SNES emulation on GBA.
And maybe DS could never do say Perfect Dark(does it have the floating point performance to even run a game like that?), but I'd imagine simpler games like super mario 64 or loderunner 64 might be a go for emulation.
#41736 - TheChuckster - Sun May 01, 2005 4:30 pm
I'm curious about the PSX emulation. How on earth are you going to load ISOs?
#41740 - tepples - Sun May 01, 2005 4:50 pm
Fox5 wrote: |
Sebbo wrote: | and as tepples said b4, there are some graphical features the GBA can't do but the SNES can |
Umm, there is SNES emulation on GBA. |
And doesn't it have graphical glitches in a lot of games?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#41742 - Fox5 - Sun May 01, 2005 4:56 pm
tepples wrote: |
Fox5 wrote: | Sebbo wrote: | and as tepples said b4, there are some graphical features the GBA can't do but the SNES can |
Umm, there is SNES emulation on GBA. |
And doesn't it have graphical glitches in a lot of games? |
Yes, and no sound, and often running at below full speed, but it's still a working emulation of snes.
#41749 - look - Sun May 01, 2005 5:35 pm
I really hope people do look at 8bit home computer emulation on the DS
I have a GP32 and the speccy, commadore and amstrad emulators are great.
However. They are all let down by having to navigate a virtual keyboard with a dpad (unless you have a chatboard thing)
an emulator on the DS with a virtual touch keyboard using the shoulder buttons as shift or function for Spectrum input would be great.
I already play chuckie egg on my DS using foon so maybe I'm a lost cause already :)
you could do some fancy input calibration (kemptson etc) too dragging and dropping keys onto a plan view of the DS buttons.
If only I could code
#41755 - tepples - Sun May 01, 2005 6:09 pm
look wrote: |
I really hope people do look at 8bit home computer emulation on the DS
I have a GP32 and the speccy, commadore and amstrad emulators are great.
However. They are all let down by having to navigate a virtual keyboard with a dpad (unless you have a chatboard thing)
an emulator on the DS with a virtual touch keyboard using the shoulder buttons as shift or function for Spectrum input would be great. |
The Spectrum might work, as its display is the same size in pixels as that of the Nintendo DS's top screen (256x192), but a lot of 8-bit micros had screens wider than that (Apple II 280x192, C=64 320x200, PC 320x200), which might not scale that well to the DS top screen without some sort of software downscaling.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#41760 - Veg - Sun May 01, 2005 6:50 pm
I'm hoping the great Beebem gets a port, with virtual keyboard. It's got a pretty versatile adjustable scaling system in it already, and runs fairly well on a GBA.
And hasn't TheHive already said he's working on a version of ZXAdvance? Or maybe I was dreaming.
I doubt we'll see any N64 emulators... As for SNES, if they can find a way to give sound to one processor and graphics to the other, maybe we'll get full speed on some games. Whether or not that's even feasible, I don't know.
#41782 - Fox5 - Sun May 01, 2005 9:40 pm
Veg wrote: |
I'm hoping the great Beebem gets a port, with virtual keyboard. It's got a pretty versatile adjustable scaling system in it already, and runs fairly well on a GBA.
And hasn't TheHive already said he's working on a version of ZXAdvance? Or maybe I was dreaming.
I doubt we'll see any N64 emulators... As for SNES, if they can find a way to give sound to one processor and graphics to the other, maybe we'll get full speed on some games. Whether or not that's even feasible, I don't know. |
I think the Arm 9(especially with its sound and graphics hardware) alone is probably fast enough to fully emulate the SNES, only maybe the FX chip games would be trouble. I think the original SNES emulators ran on 486 computers with good speed and compatibility, and the DS is quite a bit more powerful and the SNES probably better understood by now.
#41876 - Phoenixconsole - Mon May 02, 2005 6:54 pm
there is a pcengine emu with cd-support out for gba! So iso support isnt impossible. I pay 500? (over 500$) if you make a psone emu with iso-support.
Im working on a IBM-Pc-emu for PS2 since a while. The only tricky part was swap RAM. I think it is possible!
I hope to see a Java-Runtime-application and a ScummVM-port
#41887 - tepples - Mon May 02, 2005 8:58 pm
Phoenixconsole wrote: |
there is a pcengine emu with cd-support out for gba! So iso support isnt impossible. I pay 500? (over 500$) if you make a psone emu with iso-support. |
There's a difference. Just because a program is on an ISO 9660 file system doesn't mean that the processors running that program can be emulated in real time. The PS1 processors are much faster than the PC Engine processors.
Quote: |
Im working on a IBM-Pc-emu for PS2 since a while. The only tricky part was swap RAM. I think it is possible! |
Can you emulate a 133 MHz PC in real time using a PS2 as the host?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#41906 - detroit - Mon May 02, 2005 11:29 pm
Game boy color :)
that would be awesome!!!! Top pick :)
also NES and SNES....
the NES emulator for GBA is excellent.... BUT, it has to scale the resolution down to fit on the GBA screen. On the DS, it would be able to run the roms in native resolution, so that woudl be PERFECT!!!! The same applied to SNES actually.
#41928 - FluBBa - Tue May 03, 2005 10:03 am
detroit wrote: |
On the DS, it would be able to run the roms in native resolution, so that woudl be PERFECT!!!! The same applied to SNES actually. |
So now the DS has a 256x240 resolution?
I probably suck, my not is a programmer.
#41945 - dagamer34 - Tue May 03, 2005 5:37 pm
FluBBa wrote: |
detroit wrote: | On the DS, it would be able to run the roms in native resolution, so that woudl be PERFECT!!!! The same applied to SNES actually. |
So now the DS has a 256x240 resolution? |
The DS has a native resolution of 256x192.
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(
#41959 - detroit - Tue May 03, 2005 8:16 pm
i verified what I said and was not right.
The DS screen is: 256x192
The SP screen is: 240 x 160
This means the DS could be better, but not ideal
to emulate NES/SNES which are considered to
run at:
(after removing top and bottom 8 lines, 1/2 res for snes)
#41966 - welshwarrior - Tue May 03, 2005 9:06 pm
I want Genesis So bad
and snes wiht sound
#41977 - Ben - Tue May 03, 2005 10:34 pm
Resolution should be ok. I don't think too much would be missed on the top and bottom. I'm excited about the future :)
#41989 - DekuTree64 - Tue May 03, 2005 10:55 pm
Also, with the touch screen being pretty useless otherwise, you could keep the game un-scaled and let the player drag the screen around with their finger to see the parts that are offscreen.
Still need scaled mode for most games, but I was always annoyed that I couldn't change the vertical offset in SNES Advance without rebuilding the whole ROM.
Even better, if you put the game on both screens and drag it anywhere between them, you could get it nicely positioned to where a HUD is on one screen and the main game on the other (super mario world comes to mind).
Of course, having it on both screens at once means updating 2 sets of VRAM with the same thing, which may slow it down too much.
The best optimization is to do nothing at all.
Therefore a fully optimized program doesn't exist.
#41995 - josath - Tue May 03, 2005 11:23 pm
in the newest version of snesadvance, you can hold SELECT and press UP or DOWN to change vertical offset (scroll the screen up/down)
#42026 - Phoenixconsole - Wed May 04, 2005 5:51 pm
i think the ds is great for emulated classic computers because the touchscreen (virtual keyboard and mouse).
#42030 - Lord Graga - Wed May 04, 2005 6:53 pm
SNES emulation is perfect with the DS screen, since you would only lose 16 pixels at top and button which, as somebody else suggested, could be dragged to fit. No problem!
#42034 - Fox5 - Wed May 04, 2005 7:38 pm
Lord Graga wrote: |
SNES emulation is perfect with the DS screen, since you would only lose 16 pixels at top and button which, as somebody else suggested, could be dragged to fit. No problem! |
Most TVs people were playing on when the SNES was new probably cut off more than that.
#42148 - tepples - Fri May 06, 2005 7:32 pm
I voted Sega Genesis, though it would take some software scaling to get the 320x224 pixel screen shrunk properly.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#42154 - Sebbo - Fri May 06, 2005 9:46 pm
"All your base are belong to DS"??? :-P
i went with the SNES, button layout is there, ZSNES has internet multiplayer, so i'm sure we could implement this over WiFi
#42176 - Series-8 - Sat May 07, 2005 3:46 am
Don't forget that the touch screen can be used for # more buttons and mouse like input.
too bad Ninty did not spring for a bigger top screen... quarter VGA would have been nice.
#42187 - look - Sat May 07, 2005 10:39 am
Some big if's but...
If the DS wireless internet world opens up
If there is a fullspeed SNES emu
It should in theory be possible to get wireless mutliplayer working similar to the way snes9x works on the PC.
Your sat on your sofa with a beer. You load up the SNES emu and a client connects through your wireless net connection bottom screen lets you select a game and wait for another player.
both players fire up the game and yer off.
total fantasy for now maybe
#42195 - BlueboyX - Sat May 07, 2005 2:57 pm
I would really like an snes emulator. I think it would be really cool if it had super scope support via touchpad. :) Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge is a happy game.
Then again, a fully functional Axelay emulation would also be extremely cool, and there is already significant progress with that on snesadvanced.
What has me scratching my head is the CD-I option in the poll. We don't even have that emulated decent on the PC yet.
"Never, never suspect the dreams within the dreams of dreaming children."
~The Amazon Quartet
#42197 - Mavromatis - Sat May 07, 2005 5:29 pm
Dos Emulation
snes w/ sound
#42204 - Totakeke - Sat May 07, 2005 7:57 pm
I'd love a port of PocketNes to the DS. In PocketNES for GBA, you can send small games to other GBAs through the link cable. Imagine what you could do with the DS's wireless capabilities. :) You would be able to send larger games because the DS has more multiboot memory. (4 MB?)
Also, showing the in-game menu in the bottom screen and the NES game on the top.
#42206 - tepples - Sat May 07, 2005 8:51 pm
Totakeke wrote: |
Also, showing the in-game menu in the bottom screen and the NES game on the top. |
The PlayChoice 10 had it the other way around (menu on top, game on bottom), and putting the game on the touch screen would be more useful for Zapper emulation.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#42207 - BMcC - Sat May 07, 2005 9:04 pm
Am I the only one here who'd be sexually aroused by SCUMM games on the DS?
And using the stylus to select verbs and such?
#42209 - Ben - Sat May 07, 2005 9:15 pm
No, I think I had a mini pants explosion over ScummVM earlier in the thread.
#42210 - Ethos - Sat May 07, 2005 9:18 pm
tepples wrote: |
The PlayChoice 10 had it the other way around (menu on top, game on bottom), and putting the game on the touch screen would be more useful for Zapper emulation. |
lol, but really what is the point, sorta like when I was young and got frustrated at duck hunt and put the zapper right against the TV
Ethos' Homepage (Demos/NDS 3D Tutorial)
#42255 - Fox5 - Sun May 08, 2005 4:15 pm
Ethos wrote: |
tepples wrote: | The PlayChoice 10 had it the other way around (menu on top, game on bottom), and putting the game on the touch screen would be more useful for Zapper emulation. |
lol, but really what is the point, sorta like when I was young and got frustrated at duck hunt and put the zapper right against the TV |
Except I'd imagine the stylus would be harder to play with, those ducks can get quite fast.
#42340 - Toffe - Tue May 10, 2005 6:44 am
What about a nice MSX emulator?
#61146 - Chillabis - Thu Nov 17, 2005 5:44 pm
I know FluBBa has released a Arcade Emulator, but i would like to see someone emulate cps-1 & cps-2, would it be possible to make an emulator of Kawaks, FBadvance or Nebula.
#61155 - tepples - Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:18 pm
CPS-1 is about as difficult as Neo-Geo. Both require more RAM than the DS has, so prepare for games to thrash the swap file like you're trying to play Kirby's Adventure in PocketNES for GBAMP.
But even for smaller games, CPS-1 and Neo-Geo are as difficult as Mega Drive aka Sega Genesis. Neo-Geo has a 320x224 pixel screen, same as the Genesis, and CPS-1 has a 384x224 screen, which is even wider. Let's see the DS emulate the Genesis as a proof of concept, and then ask for CPS-1 and Neo-Geo support.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#61182 - CubeGuy - Thu Nov 17, 2005 9:22 pm
Virtual boy would be amazing. If one eye's color were swapped to cyan, a player could use 3D glasses.
It's 'CubeGuy.' One word. No space.
#61186 - mastertop101 - Thu Nov 17, 2005 9:40 pm
CubeGuy wrote: |
Virtual boy would be amazing. If one eye's color were swapped to cyan, a player could use 3D glasses. |
LoL, it does not work the same way as 3d movies...
#61189 - tepples - Thu Nov 17, 2005 9:49 pm
True, the Virtual Boy hardware and red-blue anaglyphic movies transmit a stereoscopic image to the eye in a different manner, but an emulation of the Virtual Boy using a red-blue anaglyph might work better.
Still, emulating the Virtual Boy would have exactly the same problem as emulating the CPS-1: how to shrink a 384x224 pixel image down to 256x192 pixels in real time.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#61190 - CubeGuy - Thu Nov 17, 2005 9:59 pm
tepples wrote: |
True, the Virtual Boy hardware and red-blue anaglyphic movies transmit a stereoscopic image to the eye in a different manner, but an emulation of the Virtual Boy using a red-blue anaglyph might work better. |
I'm a big anaglyph fan. I have at least two drawers full of my 3D photography.
I had the wrong resolution for the VB. I thought it was smaller.
Time for some research, I suppose.
It's 'CubeGuy.' One word. No space.
#61192 - TheChuckster - Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:07 pm
Tepples you could use both screens giving a combined resolution of 384x256.
#61195 - tepples - Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:18 pm
Are you serious? How would you plan on dealing with a big gap in the middle hiding the important part of the playfield? Tracking things that move from one side of the screen to the other? Figuring out how to hold a rotated DS comfortably and still operate the controls?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#61220 - TheChuckster - Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:44 am
Yes I am. It's really not that bad. I can put up with a small gap in the middle. My JPEG viewer works fine. As far as games go, I'm sure it will be bad but possibly tolerable. Eventually my eyes cross from looking at it that way and it's barely noticable. IIRC, the Space Invaders emulator uses the screen divide. Controls won't be that bad either. Just rotate the arrows and have one hand on top and on on the bottom. Try it.
Simple problems like these shouldn't stop anyone from writing a Virtual Boy emulator.
#61221 - Yamishi - Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:11 am
welshwarrior wrote: |
I want Genesis So bad
Me too. I saw LiraNuna's WIP Genesis emulator, and it made my mouth water :(
#61312 - ethoscapade - Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:13 pm
chuckster.. i.. you're nuts.
#61324 - TheChuckster - Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:27 pm
"Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it." -- Old Chinese Proverb.
#61335 - Darkflame - Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:05 am
I remember once people said Snes emulation on the GBA was impossible, and that multiplayer gameboy games over the net on the PC was impossible.
ScummVM works absolutely fantastic on the DS, and I cant wait for their to be other excelent emulators like it.
Stuff like the PS1 emulated on the DS I think would be possible (using various streaming-off-card techiques), but impratical.
Still, be an interesting challenge to see what could be made to work.
Snes, Gensis ect will be the more doable targets, however.
#61590 - Barnard - Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:53 pm
wintermute wrote: |
oh shut the fuck up about your damn emulators.
Learn to code & write one yourself |
Crikey, you must lead a right exciting life. The topic title said what the thread was going to be about, you didn't need to come in with a reply like that.
Life's too short.
#61591 - Dark Knight ez - Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:12 pm
Ahh... old thread. I remember someone actually announcing a PSX emulator for the DS in here. Sounded pretty unbelievable... haven't heard much of the project since.
#61810 - Darkflame - Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:27 pm
Yup, seemed a long shot.
But then, so did a near-perfect Summ port.
#61869 - pippo - Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:38 am
one MUST
incredible not on NDS!!!
C64, mame ...also on handy...for NDS not!
is true, nds is only for little childs...
#61870 - jimiz - Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:43 am
MAME !!a little port is possible
look green beret, mr.do, 1942, Blacktiger ON GBA
and for NDS nothing ?! incredible really incredible You 'll right.
#61873 - agentq - Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:10 pm
It'll happen. Most of MAME should be possible on the DS including some of the 16-bit era games.
We just need more willing programmers.
#61934 - Ethos - Fri Nov 25, 2005 2:58 pm
Well now anybody who wants to take a stab at GBC emu can...I released the source for a new version of my emu. This new version is based on gnuboy, and since I wrote most of the cpu thread in assembly, should be faster.
Check out the site...
Ethos' Homepage (Demos/NDS 3D Tutorial)
#62026 - alekmaul - Sat Nov 26, 2005 5:26 pm
jimiz wrote: |
and for NDS nothing ?! incredible really incredible You 'll right. |
You're wrong, 1942 is not a emulator but a "coded from scratch" version.
For arcade games, you've got MarcaDS, developped by ... me :) !
The V1.0 emulates 4 games (pacmans games like) and the V2.0 will emulate 50 games ...
#65751 - portablenint - Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:17 pm
MarcaDS V2.0 is now available with only 34 games ...
But it is a beginning :)
You can download it on my website http://www.portabledev.com
NO GBAMP / M3 support for now but I am working on it.
#65885 - Dark Knight ez - Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:12 pm