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DS development > junctionbox

#43731 - assassda - Thu May 26, 2005 2:18 am

pretty cool video of a box that converts a cell phone into a mobile wifi hotspot that the guy in the video uses to use the wipeout pure web browser from his car

now im not totally sure how exactly it connects but im assuming theoretically this could be used for DS multiplayer too although PSP multiplayer failed for some reason

a very useful idea i had was if we can figure out how to recieve from those we could theoretically help people use WifiMe from miles away! of course this would still require a wifi card or a wifi hot spot for the downloader but for those without access to a ralink card could save some money. not to mention from what i know about wifime it works like a ds download so multiple people can download at once.

please correct any impossible statements i made about uploading wifime

#43744 - tepples - Thu May 26, 2005 3:48 am

PSP games use IPv4 as their layer 3 protocol. DS Download Play and all current Nintendo DS games use Ni-Fi. Commercial routers work with IPv4, not Ni-Fi.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#43794 - assassda - Thu May 26, 2005 8:44 pm

ralink with custom drivers uses nifi

plus couldnt you code a homebrew web browser to use ipv4?

#43816 - TJ - Fri May 27, 2005 12:15 am

Yes, if there was any radio support in ndslib.

But there isn't, at the moment.