#49534 - josath - Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:08 pm
Anyone wanna give me some suggestions on my movement/control scheme?
I've been trying to tweak it to make it better, but i'm still not completly pleased with it, and am hoping to get some ideas.
Download: http://ds.rorexrobots.com/sponge/sponge.nds
Or with a loader already attached: http://ds.rorexrobots.com/sponge/sponge.nds.gba
there's two control methods in it, press start to toggle between them.
method 1 = Drag stylus left and right to move, press L or R to jump.
method 2 = Drag stylus left and right to move, and drag up to jump (you have to drag somewhat quickly up to jump).
#49536 - Dannon - Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:16 pm
I've only tried it in DSEmu as I am waiting for my GBAMP and PassMe, but it seems to work out, you can hold down jump though and it keeps jumping in mid air, try it you'll know what I mean, is it meant to do that?
I think it needs to be tested on actual hardware for a better review, nice work so far though, does it have very basic physics for the gravity, momentum, etc..?
#49538 - josath - Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:28 pm
yeah i made it so you could keep jumping, as there are parts of the level you couldn't get to otherwise. Most likely I would take that out once the levels are designed better instead of a random thing I just threw in there.
as far as physics, basically. the sponge dude has a x & y velocity, and every frame I do dude.X += dude.XVelocity; dude.Y += dude.YVelocity;
Dragging on the screen increases velocity.
x velocity decreases over time, while y velocity always increases in the downwards direction.
#49548 - DekuTree64 - Sun Jul 31, 2005 12:43 am
First of all, nice work :) Looking good so far.
I think the first control scheme feels a lot more accurate. Moving up quickly to jump makes it tricky to keep your left/right movement under control.
One experiment you could try is lowering the damping on his velocity when you're not touching the screen. That way you wouldn't have to scrub across the screen so many times to get somewhere, but you can still slow down quickly by holding still on the touch screen.
For a completely experimental style, maybe do it more Mario 64 analog stick simulation-style. Touch a point and that becomes your '0 velocity' position, and the farther away from it you move, the faster he rolls. Just don't let your center point drag around the screen like Mario does :)
EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention the camera. It's tricky to play if the camera stops with you half between the screens. Maybe when the camera's moving up/down and you get too close to the split, have it continue to move in that direction until you're at least 1/3 of a screen from the split. Or something like that.
I think you could have a lot of fun with boss battles in a game like this too.
Roll around under a big monster's feet to trick him into stomping on a spike, or wait until he punches the ground at you, then roll up his arm and smack him in the nose, or climb up to a ledge above his head and roll into a box to knock it down.
The best optimization is to do nothing at all.
Therefore a fully optimized program doesn't exist.
#49551 - josath - Sun Jul 31, 2005 2:10 am
Ok, I implemented your first two suggestions:
1. when not touching the screen, he coasts for a lot longer before stopping
2. added control scheme 3: touch to set a zero point, then move left & right from there to set his speed.