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DS development > Programmable Sound Generator

#54252 - joebob180 - Sat Sep 17, 2005 4:32 am

I was wondering if anyone had any info, or where to go in order to find out about programming the Programmable Sound Generator in the ds? Or is it the same as the GBC/GB audio channels?

Ive looked around, but to no avail. Is it similar to another console maybe? Just for a start?

Thanks for listening!

#54253 - cybereality - Sat Sep 17, 2005 4:34 am

I am also interested if anyone has any info.
// cybereality

#54256 - alekmaul - Sat Sep 17, 2005 6:40 am

Well, I am using it with my coleco DS emulator. It is not really the same than on the GBA ... But you can take a look at dstek, it have some informations about PSG functionnality.