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DS development > Supercard detection

#73718 - Payk - Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:29 pm

Ok u all know that Supercard lib (scsd.s). there is a function which should determinate if supercard is inserted or not...BUT that function has two things i dont like.
It hangs on emu (ok u cant help me with that)
and on Hardware answer is ALWAYS ==true ALWAYS. i tried to send my homebrew via wmb and run with a empty gba slot and..HAHA it has found my Supercard SD GREAT. but why i cant find it....hehe damn i cant code any detection which determinats which flashdevice is inserted when one of that function is always true...ok does anybody no how to detect SURELY if it is inserted or not...damn THANX

#73764 - HyperHacker - Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:41 am

Maybe you have to give the other CPU access to the GBA slot. Or maybe it only detects if you own an SCSD. ;-)

#73830 - Payk - Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:11 am

u mean its enough to have SCSD about 5 meters far away to get a true-value? Damn that Hightech things rocks...

#73832 - Payk - Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:13 am

i got a new name for that function. insteadof calling scsd_Isinserted() it should be called GiveMeATrueValue(); that discribes that function a lot better ...hehe

#73834 - chishm - Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:19 am

Loopy (Olimar here) sent me an almost fixed driver that supports detection and reading. It will be in the next release of the FAT lib, which will be available at (current_day + 1).

#73850 - Payk - Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:18 am

haha nice chishm thanx.... ohh that makes me hope again do have os which detects flashdevice instead of user have to choose.... ok i am waiting... ahh will it support writing on m3 sd?