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DS Flash Equipment > PassMe2, Supercard SD and DS Lite

#89197 - kingludwig - Fri Jun 23, 2006 2:48 pm

Ok, so I just traded my old DS in for a lovely new white DS lite, and I'm struggling to get PassMe2 to work with it.

On my old DS, I was able to run ScummVM DS using my Supercard SD and a copy of Nintendogs inserted in my PassMe2, but I don't seem to be able to get ScummVM running this way on my lite.

With the passme2_mb.gba file loaded on to my supercard, I boot my lite up in GBA mode and select the Nintendogs Labrador EUR game code from the list. I receive the message 'SRAM written'. I insert PassMe2 and my Nintendogs cart into my lite, and quickly switch the console off and on, hoping it will boot in NDS mode. But invariably I'm greeted with two white screens.

I don't think this happened with my old DS, unless there's something I'm forgetting to do.

Anyone know how to get my DSlite to boot in NDS mode using PassMe2 and my SupercardSD?

Much appreciated.

#89238 - Pinesal - Fri Jun 23, 2006 6:02 pm

I beleive you have to update the passme2.

#89360 - kingludwig - Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:45 pm

Pinesal wrote:
I beleive you have to update the passme2.

Any idea how I do this?

#89394 - MaHe - Sat Jun 24, 2006 6:06 pm

There's a tutorial:

However, if you don't know how to solder, I'm sure you'll find somebody who does. When you figure it out, the JTAG cable should be easy to build.
[ Crimson and Black Nintendo DS Lite | CycloDS Evolution | EZ-Flash 3-in-1 | 1 GB Transcend microSD ]

#89777 - sonny_jim - Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:10 pm

When you update the passme, you'll need to 'tune' it to a specific game. Passme would work with any game, Passme2 needs to be set to a specific game first.

Have a look at the tutorials Here and here

Note: I've not done mine yet, but I believe this is the correct way.

#89955 - Lynx - Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:50 pm

First, do you have a PassMe2 or not? You indicate in your post that you already have a PassMe2. If this is the case, you do not need to update it. When you purchased the PassMe2, did you order it for Nintendogs? If so, then it has to be the SRAM that is the issue, not the PassMe2. Unfortunatly, troubleshooting SRAM on the Super Card isn't as easy as with other devices. But, you might want to read over this to see if it says anything helpful.
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