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DS Flash Equipment > Max Media Dock XP Problems

#109279 - Killjoy42 - Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:32 pm

So I recently bought a Max Media Dock for my DS. I mostly just needed the Media Launcher as a passme device, but decided to spend the extra $20 on the dock as well. Now my problem. The dock itself seems to function perfectly fine when it's plugged into my DS. When I plug it into my computer, Windows XP is *supposed* to register it as a USB Mass Media Storage Device. However, nothing happens at all.

My other USB Mass Media Storage Devices work fine (external harddrive and a flashstick) and there's nothing wrong with CF cards I'm using with the dock (8MB and 32MB).

So my question is, does anybody know how I can get my computer to respond in any way to my MMD? Currectly, it acts as if it isn't even there.

(I've tried flipping the CF cards both ways and have ensured that they are connected fully and properly. I've also tried using a different USB cable.)

#109300 - Lynx - Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:19 am

I don't have one personally, but if it just accepts the CF card, can't you use your CF Reader/Writer instead of the MMD?
NDS Homebrew Roms & Reviews

#109302 - Killjoy42 - Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:42 am

I should be able to use a CF reader/writer, sure - but I don't have one. Don't even have a camera or anything that uses them. I'd really like to get the MMD's read/write capabilities working...

#109340 - Sektor - Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:13 pm

I think it has voltage issues with some PC USB ports. Try different ports or a USB hub and do a search for MMD USB voltage.

#109543 - Killjoy42 - Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:51 am

I opened the unit up again to see if I missed anything. Turns out, a wire wasn't connected to the solder point. Resoldered it, and bam! Works great now.

Thanks for the help!