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DS Flash Equipment > .smc need help!!!

#111270 - Eddy 912 - Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:02 am

how can i play .smc or other files on my ds
which emulator i have to use ???
and what are the best games ???

#111318 - thegamefreak0134 - Tue Dec 05, 2006 5:51 pm

First of all, buy some capital letters.
Second of all, sell some question marks.

Thirdly, and to answer your question, to my knowlesde a compatible SNES emulator has yet to be developed for the DS. (someone correct me if I\'m wrong.) Thus, playing any .smc homebrew on the DS is not quite yet possible.

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#111347 - josath - Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:25 pm

There are two SNES emus for DS:

#111357 - Sunray - Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:15 pm

Three actually...

#111395 - dantheman - Wed Dec 06, 2006 5:09 am

josath wrote:

As Gladius's site there only offers up to v0.25a for download, it should probably be mentioned that the latest version is v0.28a, released October 12th, 2006. I can't link to the official download link as per forum rules, but searching for "SnezziDS 0.28a" or "SnezziDS v0.28a" on Google will certainly get you some results.

Reason behind it all: Bubble2k wrote Snezziboy, an SNES emulator for the GBA. Gladius then ported it over to the DS with the name SnezziDS. After SnezziDS v0.25a came out though, Bubble2k abandoned work on Snezziboy in favor of working more directly with SnezziDS, so all versions after v0.25a have been a collaboration between the two of them.

As far as compatibility goes, all three of the emulators have their strengths and weaknesses. Best to try the same game on all three to see if it works better in one than in the others.

#111431 - Eddy 912 - Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:40 pm

what kind a files i can play ?
like .nes or .gba or what?

#111504 - dantheman - Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:38 am

To put it simply, there are many emulators available for the DS. Check and look on the left hand side for a partial list.

Unless you have a homebrew device that supports GBA, you cannot run .gba files on the DS. There's no GBA emulator if that's what you're asking.