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DS Flash Equipment > Can someone confirm what I think

#48725 - Dannon - Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:12 pm

From reading all of the stuff on the GBAMP, as far as I can tell, once the firmware has been upgraded it and you have either a PassMe or the FlashMe upgrade:

1. It still works as a movie player and does everything it originally did, I would still like to play movies.
2. You are able to use most of the homebrew programs, as long as there are less than 250kb in size.

I have just finished a games programming degree and I have started developing for the NDS using all of the libaries that have been released, well done to everyone involved, but I am having trouble testing things on emulators and would really like to test them on my hardware.

Any answers greatly would be appreciated


#48726 - kokido - Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:21 pm

In gba mode it still works like it did before, provided you have no _boot_mp files sitting on your card. You are able to use homebrew gba programs in gba mode like that are less than 250kb in size, however you can already do that with the e.18 firmware on the gbamp, no need for the firmware hack there. If you have a *Me however then you can use the gbamp to load a ds rom, and only one right now, at bootup. You can not use the movie player as normal in DS mode, but I think you knew that already. I think in Ds mode you have a limit closer to 4 MB, since you are working off the ram limit of the DS, but I don't know enough to confirm that. (I do know the 256kb limit of the gbamp in gba mode is because of gba ram though).

#48730 - Dannon - Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:25 pm

Thanks alot. It's just I would still like to use it to play movies, etc as before as well as be able to test my NDS homebrew stuff, just need a PassMe or a WiFi card thats compatiable now so I can add the FlashMe. Somebody must have a compatiable WiFi card near me, I'll go a huntin'


#48764 - dirtmound - Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:33 am

Does that also apply to the Supercard? I've noticed that the Supercard works a lot like the GBAMP.

#48766 - kokido - Fri Jul 22, 2005 4:11 am

No, the supecard does'nt have the limits of the gbamp in gba mode, and it is still unhacked for use in DS mode.

#48770 - Dannon - Fri Jul 22, 2005 6:58 am

Would somebody confirm that this is the correct GBAMP:



#48771 - chishm - Fri Jul 22, 2005 8:19 am

That looks exactly like my one, so I'd say it is. Just be careful. Some are fakes and won't work with the boot loader.

#48779 - ChronoDK - Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:07 am

Does that mean that this one wont work?

#48783 - Kir - Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:42 am

ChronoDK wrote:
Does that mean that this one wont work?

Yeah, this one is a fake. Buy original GBA MP on Lik-Sang :)

#48786 - Lynx - Fri Jul 22, 2005 1:24 pm

Or is that version 1? Either way, has the correct version as well, and I am in the process of adding a "GBAMP Devkit" that will have the updated firmware already on it.

#48787 - Dannon - Fri Jul 22, 2005 1:30 pm

Is the M3 player or any of the new MP stuff going to do anything different from the GBAMP?

One last thing then I'm going to buy one and a passMe I think, you can store videos, music, etc... on the CF card whilst running your homebrew stuff can't you? I know you can't easily swap between them, but storage is easy enough isn't it?


#48792 - chishm - Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:32 pm

I am not sure about the M3, but it will probably have a different, possibly incompatible firmware.

You can store all that stuff on your CF card, and it is easy to switch. Jus restart the DS while holding select and select GBA from the menu.