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DS Flash Equipment > Help finding a PC card in Canada

#52272 - wrath_child - Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:54 am

Ive been looking for a card for my laptop compatible with wifime in canada and can not find one. does anyone know of any online retailers or have one the could part with.
thanks alot in advanced

#52687 - wrath_child - Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:40 pm

Wow look at the response. ok can any one buy one and ill buy it off them no shops in my 3 towns have them or can get them its bullshit. ive see sites but they only sell to the us. any help would be greatley appriacted

#52696 - gladius - Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:05 am was where I got mine. They don't sell the same card any more though.