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DS Flash Equipment > What are actually the limits of GBAMP 2??

#56017 - Galant - Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:31 pm

I read about a limitation with the gbamp?s, is this "card" able to start .nds files of bigger sizes like 256mbit oder 512mbit?

I?d like to buy a new flash card because i just have an old 128mbit EZ2 Powerstar and size is very limited. It was a hell of an procedure to get such a cart where i live, and the only thing i could order pretty cheap is the gba mp2. can it do everything a "normal" flashcart can?

Thx for infos
...It?s a good day to die...

#56018 - Lynx - Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:41 pm

It's nice to see you took the time to do a search on this topic.. as your question has been answered quite a few times.. But, here it is again:

For NON-GBAMP written homebrew, it has a 4MB limit. This is because the ROM is loaded into the NDSs internal memory, which is 4MB. But, if the homebrew is written for the GBA MP, the limit is the size of your CF card. Example being Moonshell playing 8MB mp3 files.

#56020 - Galant - Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:54 pm

Thx for answering that question again!

Is it possible to break that limitation with a hacked firmware (now or in future?), i ask because things like scumm and other homebrews and demos are bigger then 4megs ?!
...It?s a good day to die...

#56023 - deltro - Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:22 pm

Galant wrote:
Thx for answering that question again!

Is it possible to break that limitation with a hacked firmware (now or in future?), i ask because things like scumm and other homebrews and demos are bigger then 4megs ?!
With homebrew writtien for the GBAMP, like SCUMM, and Moonshell.

#56026 - Galant - Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:36 pm

Kewl, sounds good to me, but no chance of running big .nds files if i got that right?
...It?s a good day to die...

#56028 - FluBBa - Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:57 pm

Which of your .nds files are bigger than 4MB?
I probably suck, my not is a programmer.

#56036 - El Hobito - Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:25 pm

Galant wrote:
Kewl, sounds good to me, but no chance of running big .nds files if i got that right?

you cant run most ds.gba files or various other homebrew software due to various as yet unknown bugs (pocketspc and snesds for example). I wouldnt get the gbamp just for homebrew its more of a nice touch for those people who bought it for what its designed for.

#56041 - Veg - Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:50 pm

I'd say that (assuming you already have a few CF cards lying around) the GBAMP is cheap enough that it is worth buying for homebrew alone.
If you're a ScummVM fan, it's really the best way to go, and will likely remain so for a while.

#56051 - El Hobito - Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:02 pm

gbamp great for:
some other demos
its own features (the movie player)
ease of use

not great for:
anything larger than 4 meg
official demos
general compatability problems

#56081 - tepples - Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:09 pm

El Hobito wrote:
gbamp great for:

By the time you've paid for a GBAMP, a CF card, and a CF writer, you could probably have already bought a NOR based GBA flash card with an included writer, no?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#56085 - El Hobito - Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:56 pm

not for the capacity though 1 GB flash cart would cost 1000's but a 1GB(8Gb) cf cost ?35 and can be used for many other things along with a reader (which are so useful esspecially if you have a digital camera) cost about ?5. you can get a 128MB(1Gb) card for about ?5 on ebay so it adds little to the cost really

#56086 - Lynx - Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:01 pm

Dunno.. I paid $25 for my GBA MP, $20 for a 256MB CF and $5 for a USB CF writer.. Total = $50

I paid $60 + $10 shipping (and waited a month to receive it) for a 256Mb GBA Flash Cart..

So, I'd still say the GBA MP is cheaper, and that's not even doing a good comparison, as you'd have to break it down to $/Mb.

GBA MP = $0.03/Mb
Flash Cart = $0.23/Mb

#56089 - Mr. Picklesworth - Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:02 am

One question here is, will people continue to support the GBAMP, or is everyone going to switch over to someone else in a matter of weeks?
As long as every bit of DS homebrew is built for a different kind of card, with no attempts at keeping it all moderately uniform, things are going to get very confusing and quite irritating. I'm not saying we should start acting like a government and be enforcing how people write their code, but we should perhaps figure out one kind of card and stick with it?

Now, uhm... so, is it remotely possible (putting aside how ridiculously complicated it could be) for the GBAMP's firmware to be done in such a way that it can pretend to be a regular flash cart?
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#56092 - tepples - Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:28 am

Mr. Picklesworth wrote:
One question here is, will people continue to support the GBAMP, or is everyone going to switch over to someone else in a matter of weeks?

As long as the GBAMP is still sold, it'll still be developed for. I'll probably try to make my own DS programs compatible both with GBA flash cards and with the GBAMP, either at compile time or at run time.

so, is it remotely possible (putting aside how ridiculously complicated it could be) for the GBAMP's firmware to be done in such a way that it can pretend to be a regular flash cart?

Not possible. The GBAMP is designed to be an interface between the GBA cart bus and ATA block devices, and ds.gba programs expect to be run from a word-addressed device, not a block device. I've summarized the issues in my PHWiki article on block devices. (If you find an inaccuracy in that article, feel free to sign up and contribute to the article in the same way one would contribute to a Wikipedia article.)
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#56251 - MaHe - Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:41 pm

Huh, what at least about a SRAM "catcher" that would transfer SRAM calls in a folder like /System/SRAM/DSHeretic_temp or something like it?

#56271 - Lynx - Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:40 pm

That'd have to be in the firmware, I would guess.. Chishm? :P

#56273 - pepsiman - Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:41 pm

MaHe wrote:
Huh, what at least about a SRAM "catcher" that would transfer SRAM calls in a folder like /System/SRAM/DSHeretic_temp or something like it?

MightyMax was working on this.

#56347 - chishm - Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:27 am

Lynx wrote:
That'd have to be in the firmware, I would guess.. Chishm? :P

Unfortunately I don't know enough about the ARM9 CP15 to make it work. Besides, I think the DevKitPro CRT0s completely change the CP15 settings at boot up, making this even harder. It technically doesn't have to be in firmware. However, if MightyMax gets it working I will definitely include it in the firmware.