#66170 - RavenWorks - Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:55 pm
I hope nobody minds me starting this thread... I know similar things have been asked in the past, but something like this is so constantly changing.. :P
I'm looking to order an M3 CF, and I'm just wondering if there are any places that have it in stock (for reasonable shipping)? This seemed like a good place to ask, but I apologize if it's not appropriate. KickTrading has it on back-order, but they don't seem to know how long the delay will be...
Thanks again!
#66187 - Empyrean - Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:37 pm
I got mine off Divineo.cn. They even bundle the new ones with the PassKey2
3 is not an "e",
7 is not a "t",
1 is not an "l",
And for the love of God,
Learn how to spell!
#66192 - RavenWorks - Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:51 pm
Damn -- the PassKey1 version is ten bucks cheaper, too! Nice... :D
Any reason to use .CN when .COM ships from North America? (other than how many they have in stock; I don't mind waiting a few extra days for the cheaper shipping costs ;P)
#66214 - hoagie - Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:47 am
any place that has a cheaper shipping option. $17 to ship it
#66221 - Sektor - Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:09 am
$17? www.divineo.cn only charges $5 for airmail. The china site has a better rating than the US site, they get stock first and they are often cheaper.
#66287 - hoagie - Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:31 pm
wierd. the US site forces you to choose fedex express delivery.
#66311 - Nushio - Mon Jan 09, 2006 6:28 pm
I bought mine off ebay. I expect to receive it in Feb.
Divineo was my other choice though.
#66338 - zxr750j - Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:40 pm
Just received my m3+supercard (both sd) from www.winsunx.com.
#66343 - hoagie - Mon Jan 09, 2006 11:06 pm
related question. does it really matter if i get teh CF version or the SD version. aren't they esentially the same in form and function besides the media?