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DS Flash Equipment > [newb][flashme] - Doing something wrong..

#85171 - DeathMonk - Sat May 27, 2006 4:55 pm

I have wifime working (downloading at least). I have an EZ-Flash II PowerStar 512Mb flash cart. I am using EZ Client 3.24 to write flashme.nds to the cart and I think that may be where im doing something wrong.

When I add an NDS file it looks like this:

[Images not permitted - Click here to view it]

doesnt show any rom info.. didnt seem right to me.

wifime downloads and starts.. it shows the nintendo logo and then just fades out and both screens stay white. Also, when I use the NDSloader that's built into EZ-client it boots into that fine (it shows rom "." and when I click on it it goes to the same white screens).


#85233 - Lynx - Sun May 28, 2006 3:19 am

Did you e-mail me asking this same quesiton? Oh.. replace WiFiMe with PassMe1?

#85277 - DeathMonk - Sun May 28, 2006 3:21 pm

No, I didn't.. But I figured out my problem. I didn't know that you had to rename the file .nds.gba. Also, when I add it to the flash cart, after it's written it doesnt show up in the list anymore--but its still there--which confused me too.

Anyway, I got it flashed no problem after that...

#85509 - Mad_Gouki - Wed May 31, 2006 3:56 am

heh i had that same problem with my ezflash2, but yeah you just rename it to flashme.ds.gba and it launches fine