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OffTopic > Reality TV gone too far:competition for a life saving kidney

#129938 - keldon - Tue May 29, 2007 10:08 am

Reality TV has gone too far. I just heard on the news that the creators of Big Brother have created a new reality TV show in the Netherlands called Big Donor. In this show contestants are competing to get a life saving kidney transplant from a terminally ill patient who is a match. The makers are defending themselves saying that the odds of getting a kidney though the show is much higher than being on the waiting list.

What next, a reality TV hostage situation?

#129943 - silent_code - Tue May 29, 2007 11:06 am

if they really wanted to help, they'd make the search nonprofit and not for entertainment. so, i'm also thinking: this is going too far.
good (side) purpose (the core purpose is still brainless entertainment - even though it pobably *could* make ppl think, indirectly), badly executed. i thought tv already went too far, but this is a new peak.

#129955 - keldon - Tue May 29, 2007 12:25 pm

Just imagine the horror of not winning the show! And making it non profit and non entertainment wouldn't make them more helpful, there are only x amount of possible donors so unless they can encourage more donors nobody will be able to help in any way.

#129957 - silent_code - Tue May 29, 2007 12:30 pm

keldon wrote:
unless they can encourage more donors nobody will be able to help in any way.

that's what i meant by making the search (for donors) non-profit and non-entertaining. and you're totally right, loosing the show means probably loosing life for most won't find a donor and once it's too late, it's too late. even a donated organ won't help then anymore. i don't know how the show is meant to be structured, though. life is cruel (sometimes) and they play with it. that's very sad.

#129960 - keldon - Tue May 29, 2007 12:44 pm

I don't think that being non-entertaining or non-profit is important in any way. Take away the entertainment and you have nothing more than what the health service is already doing; and non-profit means that all of the money goes back into the project instead of shareholders, not that people don't get paid.

#129961 - chishm - Tue May 29, 2007 12:56 pm

Unfortunately "reality" TV still seems to be popular. If it wasn't, the networks wouldn't be showing so many reality shows. Viewers do have the ability to get the show pulled simply by not watching, as proven by the axing of Jasmin's Getting Married in Australia.

#129962 - silent_code - Tue May 29, 2007 1:05 pm

keldon wrote:
and non-profit means that all of the money goes back into the project instead of shareholders, not that people don't get paid.

noone said that ;^)

#129969 - Dood77 - Tue May 29, 2007 4:46 pm

Reality TV is just disgusting, not much more to be said.
If I use a term wrong or something then feel free to correct, I?m not much of a programmer.

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#132978 - HyperHacker - Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:30 am

silent_code wrote:
keldon wrote:
unless they can encourage more donors nobody will be able to help in any way.

that's what i meant by making the search (for donors) non-profit and non-entertaining. and you're totally right, loosing the show means probably loosing life for most won't find a donor and once it's too late, it's too late. even a donated organ won't help then anymore. i don't know how the show is meant to be structured, though. life is cruel (sometimes) and they play with it. that's very sad.
Although I agree that this is disgusting, I don't think this point is valid. These people should already be on the waiting list for a transplant. If they win, they get one right away. If not, they remain on the list and are no worse off than they were before. Unless they have to actually be removed from the list to participate, in which case I may vomit.

It's not much different in that aspect from a person with a steady income playing the lottery (except that they're losing the money they paid for the lottery tickets that don't win). However it's still terrible to toy with their lives like that.
I'm a PSP hacker now, but I still <3 DS.

#132987 - sonny_jim - Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:57 pm

"Who's your daddy" was pretty much the most tasteless reality TV programme I heard about, closely followed by "To catch a Predator".

#132991 - Lynx - Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:00 pm

Dood77 wrote:
Reality TV is just disgusting, not much more to be said.

I personally like REAL reality TV. Not this crap you guys are talking about. It's not reality TV. When is the last time you were on an island with 20 people? Never? Me either.. not much reality there.. How about.. the last time you were living in a mansion with 20 people? No? Dang.. me either.

Real reality TV:

American Choppper
Horsepower TV
Dirty Jobs
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#132997 - keldon - Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:25 pm

lol; good point! Although I have spent a week in a house with people I didn't know.

#133001 - wintermute - Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:13 pm

Apparently the subject of this thread was a hoax.
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#133003 - keldon - Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:43 pm

Ok, now that was original!!! In fact that's about the best way to make people aware of how important it is to become a donor, cause an outrage about a show exploiting the shortages and the reality of death for sufferers ^_^ Genius!

Let's hope that the other bad ones are hoaxes.

#133015 - Ant6n - Mon Jul 02, 2007 6:06 pm

its kinda genious. when these tv people have an idea that they decide might be just a tad too tasteless, they go through with it anyway but at the end of it reveal it was just a big hoax. then they can show the most outrageous stuff on tv, but at the end come of clean by giving some kind of moral justification for showing the hoax.

#133145 - tepples - Tue Jul 03, 2007 8:16 pm

Neither of the following apply to me, but:

Lynx wrote:
I personally like REAL reality TV. Not this crap you guys are talking about. It's not reality TV. When is the last time you were on an island with 20 people?

"I went on a cruise and got shipwrecked like on Gilligan's Island, you insensitive clod!"

How about.. the last time you were living in a mansion with 20 people?

"I grew up in an orphanage, you insensitive clod!"
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#133219 - Lynx - Wed Jul 04, 2007 5:31 am

tepples wrote:
How about.. the last time you were living in a mansion with 20 people?

"I grew up in an orphanage, you insensitive clod!"

Wow.. that must have been a hell of an orphanage.. how do you get in? I'd love to live in a mansion!
NDS Homebrew Roms & Reviews

#133226 - keldon - Wed Jul 04, 2007 8:10 am

Lynx wrote:
tepples wrote:
How about.. the last time you were living in a mansion with 20 people?

"I grew up in an orphanage, you insensitive clod!"

Wow.. that must have been a hell of an orphanage.. how do you get in? I'd love to live in a mansion!

<really deep masculine voice>"I had to eat barb wire and raw meat for breakfast!"

#133249 - silent_code - Wed Jul 04, 2007 5:06 pm

ok, respect, that was a good one! a very good idea and they got me! although the stuff a wrote before is still valid. ;^)

#133294 - Ant6n - Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:05 am

keldon wrote:

<really deep masculine voice>"I had to eat barb wire and raw meat for breakfast!"

the latter is a treat, yummy!: