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OffTopic > What's everyone working on?

#139436 - gauauu - Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:03 am

Just out of curiosity, what's your current project? The more info, the better!

I'm still working on my Anguna game (then, now) that I started a few years back. It's getting close to finished...hopefully I'll finish one of these days.

Anyone else? I'm dreadfully curious about what everyone else has in the works.....

#139441 - Diddl - Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:18 am

I was working on a dsrott port. but dopefish now makes this job so I am busy with SDL, SDL-mixer, SDL-Image for Pelles C and NDS.

#139452 - Chano Marrano - Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:15 am

I'm working on a battle system for a RPG game for GBA using HEL and AAS libraries:
[Images not permitted - Click here to view it]

I hope to upload a little demo before the end of this year.

#139455 - tepples - Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:41 pm

PRIO 1: memtestARM, a program capable of detecting hardware failures in a SLOT-2 memory card with RAM. I started this on September 6 when Lick relicensed RAM Unlocking API as OSI Certified open source software.

PRIO 2: DS cel animation editor designed for small (8x8 to 64x64 pixel, 16 color) cels, of the type that would be used in a game.

PRIO 3: Continuing maintenance of Lockjaw.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

Last edited by tepples on Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

#139457 - Zenix - Thu Sep 06, 2007 1:05 pm

Working on my first DS project, a Crash Bandicoot style 3D platformer :)

Currently working on the collision detection, having a few issues due to the damn fixed point math.

gauauu: Anguna's looking awesome, will have to check it out when I have some time. You done all of that yourself?

#139469 - gauauu - Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:10 pm

Zenix wrote:

gauauu: Anguna's looking awesome, will have to check it out when I have some time. You done all of that yourself?

Thanks! It's been in the works for awhile :)

I've done all the game code (except the sound library and a few minor snippets here and there that I pulled from example code) and game/level design. All the graphics were done by Daydream. The music is written by other people (the music I'm currently using is by Jesse Tracer, but that might change).

I really need to put a new demo up, as the old one is horribly out of date.

#139475 - Kyoufu Kawa - Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:01 pm

I'm working on an open-source clone of Pok?mon Advance together with Cearn and some guys from Acmlm's Board.

Please don't start about legal issues, I get that every week and it's been in progress for a while so don't. Thanks.

#139476 - DiscoStew - Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:05 pm

Currently working on a Maya exporter which will involve the exporting of both display-list models and models with a bone structure. Both will require the use of the library I'm creating alongside the exporter, mainly due to the format being exported.
DS - It's all about DiscoStew

#139484 - simonjhall - Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:08 pm

..the endless slog that is optimising Quake-for-slot-2...

I have come to the conclusion that the DS' main processor is slow, it's RAM is even slower, and John Carmack needs to comment more of his code. Oh and he should hold of using the magic 'float' keyword once in a while :-p
Big thanks to everyone who donated for Quake2

#139486 - gauauu - Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:25 pm

Kyoufu Kawa wrote:
I'm working on an open-source clone of Pok?mon Advance .....

Wow, looking at the screenshots, I'm impressed. How long have you guys been working on it?

#139488 - bean_xp - Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:53 pm

I'm working on an original homebrew game. However when I say original it is a platform game closely based on Super Mario World for the SNES, both engine and graphics wise. It's a clone not a port (duh!).

I'm working alone so progress is very slowww! :)

#139497 - Kyoufu Kawa - Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:52 pm

gauauu wrote:
Wow, looking at the screenshots, I'm impressed. How long have you guys been working on it?
Thanks. I didn't keep track, but Explorer says main.c was created February 4th 2007.

Though this is not a romhacking board and I have no intention to threadjack, any help in deep research of the original game is appreciated. There are a few things that we need to know. For example, how the game can play impromptu samples like that. I know the Sappy engine well and the cries are not complete like the sound effects are. They're just samples. And since Sappy is the only part of OP that's not legal...

#139537 - melw - Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:04 am

Working on Dicewars DS, new stable release 0.4.0 coming up hopefully very soon. Been lately stuck with debugging the DS WiFi library and sorting out connection problems on the multiplayer network game mode.

#139862 - ScottLininger - Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:54 pm

Wrapping up a GBA gallery tour for the Denver Art Museum.

Some of my GBA projects

#139869 - kusma - Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:12 am

Pimpmobile R2, and early sketches of what might become another SFC demo.

#139952 - RegalSin - Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:48 am

I am contemplating and sapose to be collecting refernce material and consatrating on some sorta RPG based game or Comic book reference to that sed game.

I need to focus on reading commands for Assembler on the SNES since that is what I want to make the game for and finding out how to use whatever complier or to make a complier so I can see my data I write.

At the moment most of my ideas is in drawing form and I am practicing my drawing skills attaining a drawing style. I need t get it out and realease what I see in my sight.

I also need to install and remove the nessary items from my PC in order to
have a clean programing/editing area as the sign above my standard computer monitor says "THIS IS ONLY A TOOL" and right now I am in the middle of college.

I was also thinking about writing a book and then getting it Published to gain favor towards my idea and maybe a little cash in my pockets.

It would so much faster if I had real cash in my hands.

I am in college still going for my Associates in Graphics desinging. I am also still trying to pay off some bills and find something to do as a method of funding.

I have or I had ideas for websites for Tee-shirts, filesharing, forums, nudism, porno, food, and even Videogame pages but again I am underfunded.

I have thought about becoming a cop since this work study I am in pays pennies. I mean $1000 until December is like the amount most balnced people spend in a week and I am just Too Two years aged. Imagine a man while who could pass for a sixteen year old who is eating mother milk and has no money and everybody he knew is gone
( no not Fry form futurama ) and generally I keep saying the best time of my life was when I was Softmore year in High School.

I can't date anybody not like this. I mean all these women excuse my word s ever care about is looks and money. The best I could do is some tall drink of water fresh out of Jr. High and who thinks I am a student or some girl who needs rescuing.

I am like American Physco only without the Three Apartments, balanced weight, big head of hair, or anything to call my own. I am an undefuned psychopath.

The only thing keeping me sane is drinking coconut water or the thought of drinking coconut water or being reunited with somebody who give a darg about me.

I want to make a webpage depicting what I could offer to the table in terms of game art but again no funding. I would take some time to design the website which I do on and off using the composer in Seamonkey / webpage I built from scraps of other webpages.

Honestly I want to create games and make animated art and many things like that but darn it all it feels like hell frozen over here and I am in the middle of it or war that passed and I am one of those Major Dans you see on the train who says "There is no god" .

I don't want to go back to snorting up cold from picking up yuck dog plates and seeing all the self proclaimed bad arses in life surse me out or fondle the weightresses. I don't want to have to sell more of my possesions.
I don't want to join some Military with a bunch of Hoodlums and kill some guy and make an orphan out there childen or widow or get parts of my body removed jsut because somebody wants oil, or to help Israelies who get miles and miles of cash in there pocket and goes to school for free with Amerikan money.

All I want to do is draw stuff whichever way I want and be told. That is good work or that's just what I needed. So that is what I am upto in the world and I am being honest as possible okay.

Right now I gotta foucus on my college and learn how to drive and pay my bills and lose wieght more importantly. Again more importantly get out get hitched or nail a couple of Jr's and ride shamo or some giant Turtle or even Flying Nimbus if I could ever do that.
Graphics Design Major currently enrolled in CUNY for a start in art world. A figure artist who can create people, babies, Aliens, animals, cowboys, beasties, warriors, cyborgs, monsters. I am limited by tools, refrence materials that is provided.

#139990 - sonny_jim - Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:18 pm

I'm currently working on a DLDI build of DSLinux who's sole function is to boot and check the media card using dosfsck. Handy for those badly behaved homebrews that screw up your filesystem.

#140095 - keldon - Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:42 pm

I'm tidying up a project I started in Java a few months back, and now that I'm working in C++ I'm trying to do a few projects in C++. So I've been writing methods for my Eternity II backtracker in C++, and with my GBA flash cart I'm going to do a few tests and demo's on the GBA.

And when I've got my first pay cheque I might buy some DS stuff and play around on that, but short of the DS I've got a few things to mess around with in Windows (which would be better on the DS if possible).

#140122 - Kyoufu Kawa - Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:45 pm

I am currently preparing to redump the attack data for OpenPok?. New documentation is found and I don't intend to turn hundreds of decimal values into OR'd bitflags.

#140504 - spinal_cord - Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:39 pm

I'm attempting a front end for chishms dldi loader, cos most flash cards loaders look crap.
I'm not a boring person, it's just that boring things keep happening to me.

#140843 - sgeos - Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:45 am

GBAccelerometer contest.

Non-GBA/DS projects. Some of the tools and the design materials should be portable.


#140995 - Dood77 - Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:10 am

I'm attempting to learn C++ through various online tutorials, the main one was at, but I've since finished the basic one, and after trying to start the windows programming tutorial on that site, I've lost a little courage... I'm going to start on "Thinking in C++" tomorrow.

I have a pretty good understanding of most basic things, pointers still befuddle me a tad, (mostly because I haven't been taught any practical uses yet...) and the chapter on binary trees caused my brain to shut down except eating and sleeping for the rest of the day.
If I use a term wrong or something then feel free to correct, I?m not much of a programmer.

Original DS Phat obtained on day of release + flashme v7
Supercard: miniSD, Kingston 1GB, Kingston 2GB
Ralink chipset PCI NIC

#141039 - Vich - Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:44 pm

These are my current projects:

A cross-platform platform library that does streaming(file, network, string), rtti, serialization and has lots of tools like vector classes, point classes, fixed point math template, etc. etc.
It's got unit tests and a tutorials project.

A cross-platform GUI library: serializable, artists can make templates in XML, etc.

A cross-platform 2D/3D graphics engine: object oriented, pretty fast, but needs some refactoring soon.

All projects above are available with a GPL license and compile for Windows, Linux, *nix and Nintendo DS (and probably more).
At work I'm working on a Killzone for Playstation 3, but I can't say much about that.
[project website] [personal website]