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OffTopic > Figuring out propagation delay.

#146645 - jake2431 - Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:29 am

Hey, guys. I am taking a class and we have a test tomorrow. Our professor gave us a study guide that asks us to, at one point, figure out the propagation delay of a circuit (F=(Acomp + B)Ccomp + AcompBC). Sorry, I don't know the symbol for compliments when you can't put a line over it.

Is there a simple way of doing this? Our professor didn't teach us how and our reading material doesn't explain it. I searched on google, but the information that I found was somewhat confusing.

#146800 - zazery - Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:40 am

Another way to represent complement is using a prime ie. A'BC. I'll try my best to explain it in simple words. It may not be what he's looking for though but this is what my professor taught me.

Each component has a propagation delay associated with it. Usually in these sort of questions you ignore the propagation delay for the wires connecting components. Suppose you have a circuit with 3 of the same components in a row, the propagation delay would be 3 times the propagation delay of each component. Your circuit is not as simple as that. There are multiple components on the same "level" which will be evaluated in parallel so to speak. Unless you are given propagation times for each component I believe he's simply asking for how many components are in a row multiplied by the propagation delay of each of those components, or how many levels is the circuit. In that circuit it would be 3. If you draw it out you will see why.

Hope that helps.