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OffTopic > Home WebCam to NintendoDS via Internet/Intranet

#150221 - Eric132 - Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:01 pm

Hi All,

At Christmas 2007 my son bought me a NDS. I soon discovered that you could get a web browser for it, which I purchased. I then wrote a program to capture 2 (two) webCam images for display on a HTML page. I have put the free software on my home page here.

Check it out, it's free.


Edited to correct the URL

Last edited by Eric132 on Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:14 am; edited 1 time in total

#150228 - gauauu - Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:20 pm

The link doesn't seem to work.....

#150245 - Lord Graga - Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:10 am

#150246 - Lord Graga - Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:19 am

EDIT: Sorry, doublepost.

Hi Eric, nice idea for improving the DS's functionality :)

I'd like to warn you - you should be sure to protect the webpage in some way. While it might not be that easy to stumble upon randomly if you hide the URL well, there might still be traces of it that can be seen in public in some way.
A friend of mine is running a batch-search on a large amount of search engines and has been able to locate thousands of unprotected webcams online. And from all over the world too - you can see everything from Japanese sushi bars and morning gymnastics to American roads and Indian building sites.
However, all these webcams are on webpages which share some common strings/etc which makes them easy to find in a search engine, so yours will not be easy to find because it is custom.

But if you make sure there's a decent security you won't have any problems at all. The damage caused by public access to the cam would be varying depending on who found it, usually unnoticeable, but it could be exploited by local thieves (though that is unlikely).


#150273 - Eric132 - Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:18 am

Hi Lord Graga,

Thanks for the comments. As you can see from the web site it is at an early stage of developement. I will bear these coments in mind when I take it a bit further.
