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OffTopic > Fun with German

#155091 - 11X_daemon_X11 - Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:06 pm

Split from here

I have a very little knowledge of german. ich ficken hassen du is I f***ing hate you, isn't it? Just wondering. Btw, you want to get your art out there for us to see, create a deviantart. You can upload as many images as you want and can easily give us the link to your work. :)
IRC (please join :D):

#155092 - silent_code - Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:32 pm

the german... well, not *exactly* ;^D

#155093 - 11X_daemon_X11 - Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:42 pm

I translated myself so it would obviously be wrong... for being german, you seem to know your english quite well. BTW, when I typed hassen, I ment ha?t I do beleive... or is that hating... Ican't remember :(
IRC (please join :D):

#155105 - tepples - Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:25 am

You hate...
You hate me...
You hate me...
You have asked me...
You have asked me...
You have asked me and I have said nothing.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#155106 - 11X_daemon_X11 - Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:37 am

trur translation from what i've learned is only you have me. its like a miss translation between hast and hasst (ha?t)
IRC (please join :D):

#155107 - silent_code - Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:55 am

that's correct. it's pronounced exactly the same. :^)
thanks for the complement. :^)
random fact about me: i originally come from poland (land of the painkiller ;^D ), so i'm not even a real german. though, i grew up here (means there... wherever!) :^D

du, du hast (you, you have)
du hast mich (would mean you have me or with "ha?t" [which is correctly spelled hasst, btw. ;^) ] you hate me)
du hast mich gefragt (you have asked me)
und ich habe nichts gesagt (and i said nothing)

you , you hate,
you hate me
you hate me to say,
and i did not obay...

does that even make sense? also, in the origial lyrics, there's a funny reference to ... the girls' "thing". ;^D

so, enough Neue Deutsche H?rte (new german ... what the hell? rigousness? screw that! - it's an allusion to Neue Detsche Welle [e.g. Nena 99 red ballons], which is german new wave) ... :^D

ps: hassen = to hate

ich hasse
du hasst
er, sie, es hasst
wir hassen
ihr hasst
sie hassen


#155110 - Wuschmaster - Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:34 am

What the h*ll are you even talking about? :P

#155113 - tepples - Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:40 am



Dew you understand now?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#155121 - Alphanoob - Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:27 am

Rofl! this post is awesome (in german!). I know absolutely no german, but I think silent was singing Rammstein (A friend of mine listens to that, and some guys I know didnt understand it and started making up translations for it). and I think I will totally e-mail a link to the DEW!!! to one of my friends. umm... cya later (in german!).

german::cout << "talk to you later";

aww, it didn't work =(.

#155129 - melw - Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:13 am

Rammstein being translated ist echt scheisse.

#155133 - silent_code - Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:18 pm

@ AN: <lol> ("Bis sp?ter!")
@ melw: so right! (although you would spell it "Schei?e" - ? and nouns are capitalized in german.) ;^D

ps: good someone split this out of the main thread. :^)

#155137 - Bania - Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:50 pm

silent_code wrote:

i originally come from poland (land of the painkiller ;^D ), so i'm not even a real german. though, i grew up here (means there... wherever!) :^D

Very nice i come from poland too, but i'm still living here ;)

I have german language in school. Ich habe hunger ;p

#155140 - silent_code - Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:11 pm

i am awful at writing polish! but i still speak it rather fluently (not counting the usual "switch time"). i came to germany 20+ years ago and have never been taught reading/writing polish. ;^)

pozdrowienia do polski! :^D
(greetings to poland!)

ps: ich habe auch hunger. ;^)
pps: welcome to the forum! :^D

EDIT: @ tepples: dew2 rocks! DH4Life, baby! <lol>

#155143 - Maxxie - Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:57 pm

melw wrote:
Rammstein being translated ist echt scheisse.

Some of them have real good lyrics (imo) well some of them are not much more complex then the average scooter lyric

Alter Mann (Old man) or Klavier (Piano) are my favorites.

Old man wrote:

He waits for the midday wind
The wave comes and dies down blind
With an fan on every day
the old man smoothens the water

I throw in a stone for my fun
the water moves in circles
The old man looks sad at me
and made it smooth again

In the white sand the old man
shakingly smokes his pipe
just the water and i know
for what he needs the fan

The premonition sleeps like a vulcane
hasitatingly i asked then
the head down, it seems he sleeps
he said before he died

The water should be your mirror
only when it's smooth, you will see
howmany springs you still have
and for release you will pray

The fan pressed against his body,
in the last fight the hand gets rigid,
the finger they had to break
the fan left in the sand

The old man i call every day
he shall relase me here
and i am left in the midday wind
and in the fan i can read

The water should be your mirror
only when it's smooth, you will see
howmany springs you still have
and for release you will pray

#155245 - no2pencil - Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:38 am

One thing to remember about German is that there are multiple uses for the word "the" & they describe the object (noun) that follows.

Masculine : der
Feminine : die
Nutreral : das

#155251 - silent_code - Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:46 pm

exactly. :^)

#155254 - Maxxie - Sun Apr 27, 2008 1:48 pm

no2pencil wrote:
One thing to remember about German is that there are multiple uses for the word "the" & they describe the object (noun) that follows.

Masculine : der
Feminine : die
Nutreral : das

Each of them comes with 4 subforms depending on how that noun is used.
(Nominativ, Genetiv, Dativ, Akkusativ)
And they also have a second form too (at nouns that are not belonging to a specific incarnation: ein, eine, ein) in the same way as the "a" or "an" is to "the"

I fail on the cases too sometimes, but they are the #1 error from non native german speaker (regardless where they come from)

#155263 - silent_code - Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:40 pm

as well as native speakers... ;^)