#172630 - Azenris - Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:54 pm
Im using VB for this. It was working till i changed to using 4bpp instead of 8bpp. Im just wondering if you can spot anything obviously wrong with this. It creates a new file 16x16 bitmap 4bpp by taking the data from larger bitmap, 256x384, 4bpp.
What Happens:
The file is created, but cannot be opened in windows preview, or windows paint, but Graphics Gale can still open it, when just clicking the save icon in graphics gale after opening it, it will work fine else where. In graphics gale the palette is there and the image is correct.
My Homebrew Games
What Happens:
The file is created, but cannot be opened in windows preview, or windows paint, but Graphics Gale can still open it, when just clicking the save icon in graphics gale after opening it, it will work fine else where. In graphics gale the palette is there and the image is correct.
Code: |
' ########################################################### ' constants Public Const TILE_PIXELS_X = 16 Public Const TILE_PIXELS_Y = 16 Public Const TILE_PIXELS_S = (TILE_PIXELS_X / 2) * TILE_PIXELS_Y Private Const PALSET_PREFIX = "pal_set_" Private Const PALSET_LOCATION = ".\data\palsets\" Public Const GRAPHIC_DATA_DIR = ".\data\program_files\tiles\graphics\" ' ########################################################### Private Sub CreateLittleImage(tile As Integer, offset As Integer) Dim file As Byte file = FreeFile ' create/open the new image file Open GRAPHIC_DATA_DIR & "tile_ico_" & tile + offset & ".bmp" For Binary As #file Dim newImage_Header As TYPE_BITMAPFILEHEADER Dim newImage_InfoHeader As TYPE_BITMAPINFOHEADER ' fill out the header details newImage_Header.bfType = 19778 ' means "BM" as in bitmap newImage_Header.bfSize = 0 ' left 0 with no compression newImage_Header.bfReserved1 = 0 ' res newImage_Header.bfReserved2 = 0 ' res newImage_Header.bfOffBits = 1078 ' standard offset newImage_InfoHeader.biSize = 40 ' standard size newImage_InfoHeader.biWidth = TILE_PIXELS_X ' new image width (pixels) newImage_InfoHeader.biHeight = TILE_PIXELS_Y ' new image height (pixels) newImage_InfoHeader.biPlanes = 1 ' 1 plane newImage_InfoHeader.biBitCount = 4 ' bits per pixel newImage_InfoHeader.biCompression = 0 ' no compression newImage_InfoHeader.biSizeImage = TILE_PIXELS_S ' image byte size newImage_InfoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0 newImage_InfoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0 newImage_InfoHeader.biClrUsed = 0 newImage_InfoHeader.biClrImportant = 0 Put #file, 1, newImage_Header ' write the header to the beginning of the file Put #file, , newImage_InfoHeader ' write the info header straight after Put #file, , BMP_ColourTable ' then write the colour table Dim x As Integer, y As Integer Dim tilesPerRow As Integer, tilesPerCol As Integer Dim imageLocX As Long, imageLocY As Long ' calculate the offset required to location the correct ' location in the master image for finding the image ' being made tilesPerRow = (BMP_InfoHeader.biWidth / TILE_PIXELS_X) tilesPerCol = (BMP_InfoHeader.biHeight / TILE_PIXELS_Y) If (tile < tilesPerRow) Then imageLocX = tile imageLocY = tilesPerCol - 1 Else imageLocX = tile Mod tilesPerRow imageLocY = (tilesPerCol - 1) - Int((tile / tilesPerRow)) End If imageLocX = imageLocX * (TILE_PIXELS_X / 2) imageLocY = (imageLocY * (TILE_PIXELS_Y * (BMP_InfoHeader.biWidth / 2))) ' cycle through the master data and write the bytes to the new file For y = 0 To (TILE_PIXELS_Y - 1) For x = 0 To ((TILE_PIXELS_X / 2) - 1) Put #file, , BMP_Data(imageLocX + imageLocY + (x + (y * (BMP_InfoHeader.biWidth / 2)))) Next x Next y ' close the new image Close #file End Sub |
My Homebrew Games