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OffTopic > Looking for back-up ROM cartridges

#10562 - essjae - Tue Sep 09, 2003 2:15 am

I'm not a programmer but I am interested in getting my hands on some ROM GBA back-up cartridges of older NES & SNES games. If anyone knows anywhere I can purchase these or if anyone is able to make me some please let me know either through this forum or by email.
Any help/suggestions greatly appreciated!

#10564 - sgeos - Tue Sep 09, 2003 2:42 am

Are you talking about the equivalent of flash carts, or something that can rip ROMs from carts? I'm not aware of any NES/SNES flash carts, although they may have been part of dev kits. I think copiers are probably your only option at this point. Famicom copiers are extremely rare. I'm not aware of any NES copiers, but one could use an NES to famicom converter. Super Famicom copiers are also rare, just not as rare.

-Brendan Sechter

#10565 - essjae - Tue Sep 09, 2003 3:03 am

thanks but no, that's not what I'm after. I guess in politically incorrect terms I'm looking for bootleg GBA game cartridges, a la 31-1 etc or homemade bootlegs of NES and SNES roms that I can play on my GBA.

#10568 - tepples - Tue Sep 09, 2003 5:30 am

It appears you're looking for "clones" of popular games. You can find a lot of those on

The most polished GBA-targeted clones of BPS's Tetris are Tet*is Advance and Tetanus On Drugs.

Regarding NES, you can run most NES games on the GBA with PocketNES for GBA.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#10582 - essjae - Tue Sep 09, 2003 6:56 pm

What about multicarts then? Know any good spots to purchase them?

#10583 - tepples - Tue Sep 09, 2003 7:03 pm

If you want to put multiple free ROMs on one cartridge, get a Flash2Advance cart. You can find them at; read the Retailer Feedback forum for details.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#10603 - bomberman - Wed Sep 10, 2003 12:50 pm


what does mean BPS ?
By the way, there is also a nice and polished Tetris on the GBA, Tetris C64 ;o) available at

True that Tet*is Advance and TOD are really nice, however I regret that they lack an important feature. Depending on the geometry of the shapes, some will not be able to be turned when too close from the edge of the screen ! Really annoying when game speed is high... Tetris C64 lets you rotate any shape even when at the edge of the screen. Easy to implement and so user friendly...

#10608 - tepples - Wed Sep 10, 2003 3:10 pm

bomberman wrote:

what does mean BPS ?

BPS, Blue Planet Software, Bullet-Proof Software, The Tetris Company LLC. These are Henk Rogers's enterprises to market the Tetris brand, among other things. For instance, you'll see a "BPS" credit whenever you turn on Tetris for Game Boy or Tetris Worlds for Game Boy Advance.

True that Tet*is Advance and TOD are really nice, however I regret that they lack an important feature. Depending on the geometry of the shapes, some will not be able to be turned when too close from the edge of the screen ! Really annoying when game speed is high... Tetris C64 lets you rotate any shape even when at the edge of the screen. Easy to implement and so user friendly...

Care to discuss algorithms? I've been looking for a good way to do "easy spin" (as Tetris Worlds for GameCube calls it) that won't feel like cheating. Try Tetris DX for Game Boy Color, hold a stick against a wall, and rapidly press one of the turn buttons. (A turbo controller connected to a Super Game Boy or Game Boy Player makes this easier.) The piece will actually move up!
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#10612 - bomberman - Wed Sep 10, 2003 4:04 pm

BPS... of course... it's the first thing I see when I put The Next Tetris into my Dreamcast...

By "easy spin", you mean being able to rotate the shape even when you are close to the edge ? I do not think that in mine, the shape would go up... I'll try but I can not imagine (still having the code in mind) that happening :O)
When you say "care to discuss algorithm ?", do you want me to let you know how I implemented that ?

p.s: did you try Tetris C64 ? ;o)

#10619 - tepples - Wed Sep 10, 2003 6:32 pm

No, I didn't try Tetris C64. At first, by only the name, I thought it would be a C=64 game running in emulation on the GBA. But then I looked at its screenshots, and it looked like a native program. Still, when I went to download it using the Mozilla web browser, I got a 404 (not found) error, possibly because of backslashes in the URL. (According to specification, URLs must use forward slashes.)

And yes, I want to know how you implemented knowing which way to move a piece when rotating it should the most obvious rotation wind up overlapping the playfield.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#10632 - bomberman - Thu Sep 11, 2003 9:20 am

Emulation ? This is way beyond my knowledge and competences :O)
Concerning the backslash, it's because I used this f......g Word to make my HTML page and it inserted these non compliant slashes. Will be fixed soon !

Concerning the easy spin, here is what I do:
A shape had three coordinates. An X an Y of course, plus a dY (between 0 and 7) to implement the fact that my shape is falling on a pixel basis rather than on a block basis. Animation is quite smooth. To handle the easy spin, I add a fourth coordinate called originalX used only when rotation is not possible. At that moment I inspect if the shape is on left part or the right part of the playfield. Let's say I'm on the left part, I store X in originalX and increment X until the shape fits in the playfield. Now it's done, if player moves the shape, I just forget about originalX, but if the player wants to rotate, I reaffect my originalX into X (eventually reapplying this algorithm if it still does not fit in this new configuration).
And that's it. After reading this, I can imagine it is not quite clear... If it does not make sense, I can send you the piece of code :O)

#10647 - tepples - Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:31 pm

To handle the easy spin, I add a fourth coordinate called originalX used only when rotation is not possible. At that moment I inspect if the shape is on left part or the right part of the playfield. Let's say I'm on the left part, I store X in originalX and increment X until the shape fits in the playfield. Now it's done, if player moves the shape, I just forget about originalX, but if the player wants to rotate, I reaffect my originalX into X (eventually reapplying this algorithm if it still does not fit in this new configuration).
And that's it.

So, "If rotating the piece would make it hit a side wall, nudge it toward the center." Did I understand that right?

But it still seems a bit incomplete. What if rotating the piece would make it hit blocks, as in the following diagram?
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
|                   |
|                  _|
|              ___| |
|            X|     |
|          X X|     |
|            X|     |
|_            |     |
| |___       _|     |
BPS's easy spin code handles this properly.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#10651 - bomberman - Thu Sep 11, 2003 4:16 pm

Yes, basically your sum up is the right one :o)

Damn it, effectively I did not handle your case... Should not be too difficult anyway to integrate it.
Well, BPS has not the same budget as me :O( and anyway you said that on Gameboy there was a bug !

Will try to fix it, thanks tepples !

#10826 - bomberman - Wed Sep 17, 2003 8:46 am

Well, started to do something yesterday... Not as easy as I initially thought :O)
Implemented something, which is not quite bad but needs a bit of work. Should have something next week if I find time to polish it !!!