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OffTopic > PogoShell ???? OpenSource ????
#13848 - thorgull - Tue Dec 23, 2003 8:47 pm
I was thinking that Pogoshell was Opensource ... but .... but .... where can I get Source of the 1.3 release ???
binaries of the 1.2.h1 doesn't work with my ez-flash powerstar
1.2.h1 compile but freeze on each call to libpogo (i think)
1.3 is the only which is working but have no sources.
I am working on a textviewer that look like the one of Sasq but it is very very slow and I can't incorporate it in 1.2.h1 because compiled libpogo freeze :-s
#14548 - headspin - Thu Jan 08, 2004 6:59 am
Maybe you could try e-mailing Sasq and asking him for the source