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OffTopic > Computer neglegence..

#24858 - Fatnickc - Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:38 pm

Ok, so here's my problem: I have a very old computer with 64mb ram (heh..) and a very old VC10CEN Dell monitor, and recently, whilst using it, i decided to run three virus checking programs at startup, as it had been set to run at a certain time, but the computer was never on then. Now, when I start it up, the screen is impossible to read, as different lines appear 1 to the left a bit, 1 to the right etc, and looks like is going up and down. Is there any way to stop this? I thought about doing a macro (never ever done one before) on a laptop with windows 98 on (as does the computer in question) that would set all things to a different time. Will this work? If not, any tips? Also, i can't get a driver for it anywhere... It's from 93, but was free to me a few weeks ago. Is this problem caused because of the low amount of ram not being able to handle it? Even if you don't exactly know, please try and help me. I will try and use the laptop as a guide and get to system settings etc and change them.. without being able to see much (it also gets stretched and repeated now) but it's worth another go. PLEASE HELP!

EDIT: Yes, I know that some people are looking at this, but not replying, it's ok, but do try and guve anything..

Last edited by Fatnickc on Thu Aug 12, 2004 6:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

#24864 - dagamer34 - Thu Aug 12, 2004 6:35 pm

I can't really read your post very well since you didn't use paragraphs. It kind of sounds like you know your PC is dying and you are typing as fast as you can!

It's better for you to go to a forum that is dedicated to helping people with their computers. Here's one that helped me when I had a virus/spyware infection: TechGuy Forums

I hope this website helps you!
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(

#24865 - Fatnickc - Thu Aug 12, 2004 6:37 pm

Yes, The computer was dying, Now I am on a different one.
Although this isn't my one..
Maybe If I got some more RAM, it may be able to handle the operations at the same time. Because I think that is what ishappening, it can't process the output properly.