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OffTopic > What DS Games Should I Buy?

#29608 - ScottLininger - Mon Nov 22, 2004 3:38 pm

What DS games should I buy? Obviously the selection is a little low at this point... There were several games at my local store that I didn't recognize (and were behind glass, so I couldn't even browse the boxes.)

Are there any RPGs at all? The Metroid demo is fun, but it's too short. Suggestions?


#29953 - penndragon - Sat Nov 27, 2004 4:06 am

Mario ds
Feel The Magic

#31114 - identitycrisisuk - Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:02 am

I reckon Zookeeper is gonna be great but dunno when that's out and whether it's just for Japan. It's basically Bejewelled with animal faces and you'll be able to move them around with the touch screen.

#31147 - mymateo - Wed Dec 08, 2004 9:05 am

penndragon wrote:
Mario ds
Feel The Magic

I bought those two, and I did NOT regret it! (It didn't hurt that EB also gave me a $20 mail-in rebate for buying my DS with two games)

I later bought Asphalt Urban GT, and it's OK... but the control is a little iffy, and it's a very hard game IMO, not like other racing games that start easy and get hard.

#31185 - Miked0801 - Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:36 pm

Buy Sims Bustin out - please :)