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OffTopic > PSP dev't

#31606 - ravuya - Mon Dec 13, 2004 12:13 am

I was trying to google around, but the fact that most of the people who have PSPs are Japanese and therefore write their pages in a language Google can't search makes it difficult.

Anyone understand Japanese enough to track down something Google Translator can fix up?
Rav (Win/Mac/Linux games for free)

#31669 - Lupin - Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:20 pm

i am waiting for the EU release of the PSP next year and well, i think i am definately going to buy one. The PSP beats the DS technically, comparing the DS and the PSP would be like comparing a Palm organizer (the DS) with a Laptop PC (the PSP).

I am also looking for sites dedicated to PSP dev/infos, i wonder if it will even be possible to dev for the PSP (i guess you won't be able to burn UMD discs by yourself so easily, but maybe we can use the memory sticks to put homebrewn roms on the PSP), but since the firmware of the PSP is updateable it is very likely that someone will hack the firmware and write patches that remove some restrictions, though at first it might mostly just be for removing warez protections =/
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