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OffTopic > Monsters Inc On GBA

#33531 - pyros - Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:08 am,,2-2005001262,00.html


#33532 - tepples - Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:45 am

"Sometimes you need a little piracy in order to do the right thing."
-- Title card, Pirates of the Caribbean
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#33540 - Touchstone - Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:12 am

Oh dear gawd... Ok, I can understand that you'd expect a Disney game to be free from curse-words but seriously, who gets upset from reading the word 'fuck' nowadays, even a ten year old child?

I'll probably need the whole "it's not the words, it's the meaning"-argument to defend my statement but I just can't be bothered right now.
You can't beat our meat

#33542 - isildur - Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:20 am

Was it on an official game cartridge, or was it a rom on a flash cart?

#33547 - DiscoStew - Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:48 am

I think it is kinda funny that in the separate articles about this incident that people are blaming Disney for it. If it only happened in 1 game, then it's obvious that it couldn't have been the original programmers who made the game in the first place.

I'd like to know where that cart came from, because who would want to get rid of a re-writable GBA cart? Was it very cheap to get?

Touchstone wrote:
Oh dear gawd... Ok, I can understand that you'd expect a Disney game to be free from curse-words but seriously, who gets upset from reading the word 'f*&k' nowadays, even a ten year old child?

I'd be upset...........if the game totally sucked, lol.
Seriously, I'm offended by that kind of language. I'd really like to know why people use words that are so vulgar? What does it accomplish? Sounds like immaturity on that person's part to me.
DS - It's all about DiscoStew

#33548 - mymateo - Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:48 am

From the pics and the story, it seems like a legit/official card to me. Or at least, the case of one. Someone working late the night they got fired and decide to recompile the ROM and make a few "special editions" perhaps?

#33550 - Abscissa - Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:59 am

DiscoStew wrote:
I'd really like to know why people use words that are so vulgar? What does it accomplish?

I don't quite understand when people say that kind of thing. Why use vulgar words like that? Well, why not? And who says it needs to accomplish anything?

In a Disney-liscenced game, it's certainly inappropriate, though. But, then again, those sorts of "bad easter-eggs" are a bit of a Disney tradition, at least in their animated movies ;)

Last edited by Abscissa on Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:04 am; edited 1 time in total

#33551 - Abscissa - Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:01 am

Touchstone wrote:
but seriously, who gets upset from reading the word 'fuck' nowadays, even a ten year old child?

Heheh, I've noticed that kids are about 10x LESS likely to be offended than the adults.

#33552 - tepples - Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:03 am

DiscoStew wrote:
I'd like to know where that cart came from, because who would want to get rid of a re-writable GBA cart? Was it very cheap to get?

Perhaps it's based on an OTP memory (one-time-programmable, like an EPROM without a window or like a flash without an erase line). Niиtendo has admitted publicly that future Nintendo DS carts will use an OTP memory made by Matrix Semiconductor rather than a mask ROM.

I'd really like to know why people use words that are so vulgar? What does it accomplish?

I'd really like to know why people consider four-letter words so offensive? What does that accomplish? Sure, I mod away childish uses of obscene language, but I see little to nothing wrong with the occasional swear.

Abscissa wrote:
In a Disney-liscenced game, it's certainly inappropriate, though.

A copyright license from The Walt Disney Company has nothing necessarily to do with the level of potentially objectionable game content. For instance, the theatrical miniseries Kill Bill was published by Miramax, a division of Disney, and any video game adaptation would be licensed by Disney, and it would probably have swearing, and it would probably be M-rated. Likewise for any hypothetical video game adaptation of M. Night Shyamalan's PG-13 horror films, but probably with a T rating. But your point becomes valid once I replace "a Disney-liscenced game" (sic) with "an E-rated game".
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

Last edited by tepples on Fri Mar 04, 2005 12:43 am; edited 1 time in total

#33556 - mymateo - Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:40 am

I checked two versions of the game, searching for "fuck" with a hex editor. One was a multilanguage rom, and it turned up clean. The other had an intro attached to it, so no surprise that's where I found the following context of my search result:

MODE7, so it seems, wrote:

So, I don't know. Is it possible this person got their hands on a bootleg copy, possibly from Hong Kong the video game piracy capitol of the world where you can buy a game that looks exactly like the original but it's not? Or did this guy get a flash cart and download the rom?

Seems suspicious to me. I'd like to see the entire credits of the cart in question, see if it matches what I've found.


Actually decided to watch the Mode 7 intro, that's where the text is. And since the intro is at the very beginning, and according to the linked article above, which said...

In his article, Tony Whitfield wrote:
Beki Stewart pointed out the "naughty word" to dad Mark on the opening credits of Monsters, Inc - based on the hit kids' film.

which makes me think even more that it was the Mode7 rip of the game. I hope Mr. Stewart didn't pay too much for it...

#33562 - identitycrisisuk - Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:16 pm

It's definately a pirate, it's absolutely *offesive word*ing stupid that a newspaper (and I use the term looseley with the Sun) would write up a story without checking the facts. This is the kind of game you will get if you buy nearly anything for the GBA off eBay, they are pretty much always fakes.

#33570 - Abscissa - Wed Jan 05, 2005 5:17 pm

identitycrisisuk wrote:
It's definately a pirate, it's absolutely *offesive word*ing stupid that a newspaper (and I use the term looseley with the Sun) would write up a story without checking the facts. This is the kind of game you will get if you buy nearly anything for the GBA off eBay, they are pretty much always fakes.

lol, Disney should follow up by suing the Dad for software piracy :)

#33574 - identitycrisisuk - Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:16 pm

Abscissa wrote:
identitycrisisuk wrote:
It's definately a pirate, it's absolutely *offesive word*ing stupid that a newspaper (and I use the term looseley with the Sun) would write up a story without checking the facts. This is the kind of game you will get if you buy nearly anything for the GBA off eBay, they are pretty much always fakes.

lol, Disney should follow up by suing the Dad for software piracy :)

There's still hope that they might sue the Sun for libel or something *fingers crossed* Difficult to know whether they would have a case for the dad if he bought it unknowingly. If it was bought off eBay or something they really should be able to track em down and bust their balls but there are so many pirate GBA game sellers on eBay it's ridiculous. I've complained about specific people before but nothing ever gets done.

#33592 - sandymac - Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:49 pm

identitycrisisuk wrote:
[...] there are so many pirate GBA game sellers on eBay it's ridiculous. I've complained about specific people before but nothing ever gets done.

I'm curious, How does one recognize a pirate game on eBay?
"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." -- Thomas Paine

#33595 - abilyk - Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:23 pm

sandymac wrote:
identitycrisisuk wrote:
[...] there are so many pirate GBA game sellers on eBay it's ridiculous. I've complained about specific people before but nothing ever gets done.

I'm curious, How does one recognize a pirate game on eBay?

My personal rule of thumb is to not bid on any GBA games from sellers in Asia (most "new" GBA games I run across on Ebay tend to ship from Hong Kong). Sure, that won't weed out all of the pirated games, but it'll help.

#33598 - SimonB - Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:40 pm

They are more common on than because seems to remove these listings when you complain (or e-mail NOA anti-piracy). doesnt seem to care at all.

Either way the seller will just register a new ebay nick and start over again. However, you can have some fun with them by registering a fake ebay account and make sure you win ALL of their auctions and simply dont pay. Keep doing this until your account gets locked, then open a new account and continue.

They are often listed as "flattened boxes" or cartridge only.

Nintendo Anti-Piracy has side by side comparisons with real vs. fake gba cartridges:


#33599 - SimonB - Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:44 pm


#33600 - tepples - Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:13 pm

If only we could figure out which pirate shop makes these carts at these prices, then perhaps we honest gbadev folk could self-publish.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#33605 - identitycrisisuk - Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:42 am

tepples wrote:
If only we could figure out which pirate shop makes these carts at these prices, then perhaps we honest gbadev folk could self-publish.

Yeah, I don't know how they do it. I've had one once, the plastic was a lower quality but the rest of it looked the same as a real one, even down to it having a y head screw instead of a normal cross head that a lot of pirates have. It's fairly obvious that a cart is pirated once you get hold of it, even if you didn't notice the plastic the instruction book usually has about 8 pages and has no real content (mine was some review of the game, one step away from being written in l33t speak).

Doesn't really help you before you bid though, other than what's been mentioned the usual giveaway in the UK is the 'advance' on the box being written in black not white which means it is a copy of a US box, not a PAL one. And sometimes they say they are from a territory that has not had the game released yet. Not all say from Hong Kong as well, I bought mine from someone in the UK. It's a shame really, it's become impossible to sell GBA games on eBay apart from reputable sellers like the guy who runs etc.

#33667 - sgeos - Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:17 pm

tepples wrote:
If only we could figure out which pirate shop makes these carts at these prices, then perhaps we honest gbadev folk could self-publish.

When my brother wound up getting pirate copies of the old Pokemon Gold and Silver carts off ebay a while back, most of them arrived with dead SRAM. One seemed to be OK, but its SRAM died about six monthes later.

tepples wrote:
I'd really like to know why people consider four-letter words so offensive? What does that accomplish? Sure, I mod away childish uses of obscene language, but I see little to nothing wrong with the occasional swear.

Vulgar expressions don't convey any meaningful information, except perhaps anger. Even that is pretty easy to discern from tone of voice. Using the adjective forms of vulgar words in "every-day-talk" is especially silly as they don't convey anything at all- not even emotion. That's not strictly true... vulgar language usage, especially excessive vulgar language usage, reveals more about the speaker's mindset and upbringing than anything else. I can see why one might be offended by another with a generally vulgar mindset.

Let's say you bump into someone on the bus. One of these responses probably gives a vastly different impression of the person you bumped into:


    Excuse me?

    Whats your problem?

    What in *(^#ing *(&$ is the (&*$ing matter with you #$#$ing m&#$#@( &^#!er?!

Unfortunately, there are people that actually speak like that. (According to another denizen of this basement, there are people that speak worse than that...) Admittedly, if one is trying to accurately portray people that swear, suspension of disbelief is broken if their language is cleaned up.

I'll stop being a language snob now. =)


#33676 - Abscissa - Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:54 pm

sgeos wrote:
Vulgar expressions don't convey any meaningful information, except perhaps anger. Even that is pretty easy to discern from tone of voice.

It's better than tone of voice at conveying the *extent* of the anger or frustration, at least when used in text. But there's more benefit to it than just conveying information. It serves as a (rather effective) way of releasing built-up tention, frustration, and/or anger. Just like violent games, it's a safe alternate to hitting someone or throwing/destroying something. And even if there wasn't any use to them, that still doesn't make it "bad" or offensive to use; there's plenty of things in life that have little to no use but are certainly not offensive or wrong. Besides, they're only words anyway, and as any pre-schooler knows, "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

#33681 - Joe_Sextus - Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:09 pm

Abscissa wrote:
Besides, they're only words anyway, and as any pre-schooler knows, "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

What if I hit you with a book, then words might hurt you.

#33688 - sgeos - Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:26 pm

Abscissa wrote:
Besides, they're only words anyway, and as any pre-schooler knows, "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

Verbal abuse does psychological damage which is worse than physical damage- it stays with a person for far many more year than physical damage. Physical abuse also causes psychological scars- that is what ends up messing people up down the line, assuming the victim is not killed.


#33700 - dagamer34 - Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:30 am

The funny thing is that this might actually get more people to actually buy the game and to only find out that it is just a normal version(non-pirated).
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(

#33706 - Abscissa - Fri Jan 07, 2005 2:40 am

sgeos wrote:
Abscissa wrote:
Besides, they're only words anyway, and as any pre-schooler knows, "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

Verbal abuse does psychological damage which is worse than physical damage- it stays with a person for far many more year than physical damage. Physical abuse also causes psychological scars- that is what ends up messing people up down the line, assuming the victim is not killed.


Verbal Abuse != Swearing. It often involves swearing, but it's certainly not the same thing.

#33717 - blinky465 - Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:55 am

Abscissa wrote:
It's better than tone of voice at conveying the *extent* of the anger or frustration, at least when used in text. But there's more benefit to it than just conveying information. It serves as a (rather effective) way of releasing built-up tention, frustration, and/or anger. Just like violent games, it's a safe alternate to hitting someone or throwing/destroying something. And even if there wasn't any use to them, that still doesn't make it "bad" or offensive to use; there's plenty of things in life that have little to no use but are certainly not offensive or wrong.

Sometimes it's funny too.
And sometimes unnecessary as well.

e.g. I find Billy Connollys rambling tales quite funny, and his profanities add to the humour (for me anyway). However, Roy Chubby Brown is just a talentless failed comic, (again my view) but he did admit that when he started swearing in his act, people laughed, even when his jokes were rubbish.

It's not just what you say, but how you say it.

#33725 - sgeos - Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:26 pm

Abscissa wrote:
Verbal Abuse != Swearing. It often involves swearing, but it's certainly not the same thing.

No, they are not the same thing. The sticks and stones saying is a false claim that verbal attacks are harmless because the damage can not be seen. I don't think that it pertains to swearing at all.


#33744 - Abscissa - Sat Jan 08, 2005 1:23 am

sgeos wrote:
Abscissa wrote:
Verbal Abuse != Swearing. It often involves swearing, but it's certainly not the same thing.

No, they are not the same thing. The sticks and stones saying is a false claim that verbal attacks are harmless because the damage can not be seen. I don't think that it pertains to swearing at all.


Ok, but that just backs up my claim that swearing is fine, because 1. They're only words, and 2. They're not verbally abusive words.

#33749 - Touchstone - Sat Jan 08, 2005 3:13 am

sgeos wrote:
Let's say you bump into someone on the bus. One of these responses probably gives a vastly different impression of the person you bumped into:

I think the word fuck for example, cen be used to strengthen a statement without actually by itself changing it's meaning.
For example, which of the following would you say is the most excited about a game/project/whatever:
- It's good
- It's great
- It's fucking brilliant
You can't beat our meat