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OffTopic > Computer Scientists: what is your focus of study?

#47478 - jarobi - Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:39 pm

Hi all! I'm a computer science student at the University of Manitoba and my main focus of study is Software Engineering, although I am taking some courses in the realm of Networking and OS design. I was wondering what all you other computer scientists are taking or if you have a degree, what was your main focus of study shortly after graduating?

P.S. I am most likely missing and/or repeating sub-sections of computer science, but vote anyway! :)
Nihongo o hanasemasen!

#47479 - FourScience - Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:51 pm

I can't really say I've specialized. I seem to have taken a well-rounded set of electives, probably one for everything you listed. If I were in grad school I'd certainly specialize in something either graphical (interactive computing == games), distributed computing, or robotics.

Courses I've taken:
Typical CS Cores (data structures, computer architecture, assembly, etc.)
Calculus I & II, Discrete Math, Linear Algebra
Distributed Computing
Artificial Intelligence
Operating Systems
Intro to Software Engineering
Computer Game Engine Architecture
Computer Graphics (this fall)
Senior Project ( this summer, in NDS dev ;-) )

We don't have a large CS dept so it's not like I could really go into too much depth in anything. I actually find so many CS topics interesting that I'm glad I have taken such a diverse set of electives.
Work in progress:

#47556 - sajiimori - Sun Jul 10, 2005 9:47 pm

Game programmers have to deal with most of those problems.