forum archive

This is a read-only mirror of the content originally found on (now offline), salvaged from Wayback machine copies. A new forum can be found here.

OffTopic > Um... Where is it...?

#59859 - thegamefreak0134 - Fri Nov 04, 2005 6:28 pm

I sent in a Bejeweled Demo a while back, and I noticed that you updated the October month (the month I subnitted it) and the November month (the month I updated it) and yet it's not there. Why?

Not being pushy or anything, don't take it wrong. I just wondered.
What if the hokey-pokey really is what it's all about?

[url=http:/]Support Zeta on DarkNova![/url]

#60363 - thegamefreak0134 - Wed Nov 09, 2005 5:07 pm

Never mind it's there now. Yay, I'm so happy! This is my first demo actually added to the archives! Whoopie!!!!! ("so... happy.....") [quina, ff9]
What if the hokey-pokey really is what it's all about?

[url=http:/]Support Zeta on DarkNova![/url]