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DS Misc > [Brainstorm] NDS multiplayer server

#99850 - Mrshlee - Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:17 am

Hey, recently some homebrew releases using the wifi/multiplayer functionality have been released but these releases are very few. All these games require there own workstation based servers written quickly for the game.

I had an idea but I've only the smallest amount of knowledge on how to actually achieve it.

We need a Plug-In based multi-game multi-protocol server - allowing ANY ds developer to create a multiplayer game.. connect to a local server *if we create more then one interlinked server* Support for games/applications at a centeral location.

Chat/Scores/downloads/news/whatever in a single location...


#99852 - MaHe - Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:44 am

Quite possible, yes. But somebody has to write a prototype ...
[ Crimson and Black Nintendo DS Lite | CycloDS Evolution | EZ-Flash 3-in-1 | 1 GB Transcend microSD ]

#99856 - spinal_cord - Thu Aug 24, 2006 9:56 am

would this have the potential for internet (worldwide) multiplayer games?
I'm not a boring person, it's just that boring things keep happening to me.

#99859 - Sektor - Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:50 am

spinal_cord wrote:
would this have the potential for internet (worldwide) multiplayer games?

They already exist. This could just make things easier for some games, since you would only have to write a client and may not need to write a server. It's impossible for one server to support every type of game but at least it could save coders time. It would be cool if all games shared the same or linked chat servers. A system like xbox live would be nice, one that shows the last game you played and most played games etc.

It's not easy to get homebrew coders to agree on everything though and many people like to code their own servers.

#99862 - Mr Snowflake - Thu Aug 24, 2006 11:53 am

I dunno, the idea of making a centralized score and maybe match making server has been going round my head for at least a year. But making the server serve others games, I dunno. If we have a standard server which would support all games using plugins, it wouldn't mean the game's plugins are great, they could also be rushed. Thus rendering the score server instable, in many cases.

Chat and stuff could easily be localized on 1 central server, but I think games need their own server, but then these games wouldn't need their own chat system and such, so that's a good idea. I'd love to start code this 'centralized' part, but unfortunately I have way to less time.

#99865 - Lick - Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:10 pm

I like the idea, as long as you don't take away my "DSLive!" project prefix..

#99887 - Mr Snowflake - Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:00 pm

I was thinking more allong the lines of DSConnect24/7 :D

#99921 - Lick - Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:23 pm

I really digg (TM) this idea. It would be cool to release a (DSConnect24/7 doesn't really apply, I won't leave my DSL on all year!) server API, that consists of functions to connect and lobby on this Communist Server.

#99926 - Lick - Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:33 pm


   <Lick>   MrShlee, what would you say of a DS version of the catalog?
   <MrShlee>   huh
   <Lick>   JaJa_, i know DSO is cool, but I think is too closed source on it
   <MrShlee>   That would be pretty cool
   <Lick>   MrShlee: like DSO homebrew database, but active
   <Lick>   =)
   <Lick>   and with a screenshot preview
   <JaJa_>   heh
   <JaJa_>   yes, DSO is pretty closed
   <JaJa_>   and user submitted reviews!
   <Lick>   lol
   <Lick>   AND RATING
   <MrShlee>   if worse comes to worse.. keep 4 versions of each game on the server.. so its compatabily with each cart
   <MrShlee>   updated versions..
   <MrShlee>   and shit
   <Lick>   omg
   <MrShlee>   its possible..highly possible
   <Lick>   DevSceneCatalog is born
   <MrShlee>   Just a large project
   <JaJa_>   yes
   <Lick>   I could code the PHP side
   <JaJa_>   do it in small bits
   <Lick>   actually both sides i can code
   <JaJa_>   first get the chat server
   <Lick>   but i have so many projects right now
   <JaJa_>   then the basic catalog
   <JaJa_>   then integrate the two
   <JaJa_>   then advance the catalog
   <JaJa_>   oooo, and we could do user pages too
   <JaJa_>   like most played and stuff
   <JaJa_>   i think that was mentioned in the thread
   <Lick>   highscore
   <Lick>   =)
   <Lick>   o and if there's a cheater, we life-ban him
   <MrShlee>   This is were it starts to get advanced..
   <Lick>   and then the DS explodes
   <JaJa_>   just flag them as a cheat
   <Lick>   so he has no hands
   <JaJa_>   rofl


#99939 - Mrshlee - Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:23 pm

If you want basic : What you really need is an ubersmall library to include in the arm7 to connect to irc and allow ingame communication.

The irc relay protocol is too slow to use as a server.
Using it as a middle man to connect gamers is great

but then your still stuck without a server.. and thats the point of my thread.

EG: dsdoom needs an actual game server though which currently doesn't run on a ds and you need to manually start the server each time you want to play a multiplayer game.

We would need a server to handle the handshaking.. the IM and the server itself.

each game would need its own server.. even if not very powerful, each game/server would be seperate threads.

The idea starts simple but gets advanced pretty fast :|

#99940 - Lick - Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:26 pm

I think it's going to be easier to write the lobbying application (with all the features we described (catalog, chat, news)) than to actually write a all-games-protocol-enabled server.
We're better off thinking of a way to lobby the gamers from our application to a server already hosted by one of the gamers.


#99945 - jester - Thu Aug 24, 2006 9:29 pm

well couldnt DSFTP be tweaked quite a bit to allow players to use it as like the server to play Homebrew games or something???

#99950 - TJ - Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:05 pm

Multiplayer gaming...over FTP?

#99979 - SeanMon - Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:13 am

Most DS Wifi games are played as peer-to-peer, not a server/client model. The server would only need to support a standard way of reporting availible players for matches, messaging, stats, etc., not the complex and widely varying needs of actual gameplay.

DS connects/logs-in to server.
DS tells server gametype wanted, other game parameters.
Server organizes a match and tells the DS of the other players' IP addresses.
DS disconnects from server.
DS opens connections with other DSs.
DSs send data to each other during gameplay.
Game ends.
DS reconnects to server, uploads game result, stats.

The server would handle all cumulative stats like global rankings, matchmaking, and messaging. DSs would handle actual gameplay communications and data transmission.

#99985 - CubeGuy - Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:27 am

As for the name, I think "Brainstorm" kinda has a ring to it. It shies away from the *DS overuse.

Yes... I know that's not the purpose for the thread title. I just think it could work.
It's 'CubeGuy.' One word. No space.

#99988 - tepples - Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:11 am

People will abbreviate it BS. Or perhaps BS.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#100006 - Lick - Fri Aug 25, 2006 10:30 am

SeanMon: the problem is, P2P is muuuuuuch harder to code and it allows for cheaters. Client-Server models where the server handles all the important data, are proven much better for online games.