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DS Misc > Sega Saturn emulator for the DS?

#102264 - HtheB - Tue Sep 12, 2006 12:10 pm

Well guys..

what you think???

if it's possible.. how about to port one?

#102266 - Firon - Tue Sep 12, 2006 12:44 pm

No. The Saturn is more powerful than the DS.

#102269 - retrohead - Tue Sep 12, 2006 1:07 pm

No way man. I wish it was possible but the saturn is just that kind of beast. It took long enough for them to emulate it on PC!!

I think someone should port Shining Force III to the DS, in English :D.

I started work on porting something that perhaps you may see one day but with it being my first project, development is very slow plus I have numerous other commitments hindering my DS Development plans.

#102273 - knight0fdragon - Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:29 pm

shining force III is my baby, and let me tell you, porting that is no easy task. I have been through almost all the files seeing what the hell they did, sega and camelot are sneaky bitches

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#102275 - OOPMan - Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:42 pm

I don't think the Saturn is technically that much more powerful than the DS. Rather, it's a different architecture...

If I recall, that's something that hurt the Saturn a lot when it was competing with the PlayStation. The two machines had very different architectures (Right down to the kinds of polygons they could render!) and hence making a cross-platform PS1/Saturn game was actually really difficult...

Anyway, that would make emulation unfeasible and recompilation, never mind the legality, unlikely...

Ultimately this is similar to the N64 DS emulator question...
"My boot, your face..." - Attributed to OOPMan, Emperor of Eroticon VI

You can find my NDS homebrew projects here...

#102281 - Darkflame - Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:51 pm

Saturn is one hell of a bizare machine.
Certainly unemulatable, allthough power wise there is nothing it could do the DS couldnt. (if games were coded specialy for each).
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#102304 - M3d10n - Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:56 pm

Even with full source code, porting anything from the Saturn to the DS would be a royal pain. The architecture was very clunky and the dev libraries were fairly hardcore: getting the two SH2 processors to play nice with each other was a game of it's own.

But, I don't know of anything the Saturn did that the DS couldn't do verbatim (with probably a better framerate and transparencies to boot). Most of the Saturn's blockbuster games didn't seem to push more than 3K quads on screen at once, and since it simply didn't support proper UV mapping, many quads were required for drawing tiled textures.

Maybe that unfinished Saturn Shenmue, because I haven't seen anything on a DS (or even on a PSone nor N64) that gets close to that. But then, at that framerate...

You could simulate Shining Force 3, instead of emulating it. Code a new engine, convert the art assets and text, and re-code all of the in-game events by hand. Hmm... that sounds like a lot of work...

#102305 - HtheB - Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:42 pm

retrohead wrote:
I think someone should port Shining Force III to the DS, in English :D.
I was thinking of the game Croc: Legend of the Gobbos


(it was on PC too... but.. I think it was too powerfull for the DS :( )

#102323 - retrohead - Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:57 pm

Croc was on every console at the time. Probably one of the first games of it's type and quite a cool game but not one the Sega Saturns best admittedly. It was released for PSX definately but not so sure about PC.

Great Sega Saturn titles are mainly Japanese, here are the sheer best in no particular order:

Metal Slug
Castlevania SOTN
Radiant Silvergun
Panzer Dragoons
Shining Force III
Athlete Kings (Decathlete)
Winter Heat
Guardian Heroes
Die Hard Arcade
Shining The Holy Ark
Shining Wisdom

There are plenty more i just can't be bothered to type them all ;)

Any of the above of DS would rock and my port that may never see the day of light is included in this list. Quite why HtheB has Croc standing out as one of the must have saturn games i am not quite sure to be honest, though it was quite cool there are plenty of others that blow its socks off :P

#102328 - josath - Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:20 am

M3d10n wrote:
Most of the Saturn's blockbuster games didn't seem to push more than 3K quads on screen at once

The DS has a limit of 2048 polys per frame, so there's an issue there. The first few pages in google said the saturn can do ~3300 "polygons" per frame (but apparently, it uses quads instead of tris, so that may make things worse)

According to wikipedia, the saturn has:
Two 28Mhz 32bit SH2 CPUs
Two 7Mhz video processors
One 11Mhz sound processor
One 22Mhz sound processor
3620KB total RAM (including the various types of ram,vram,etc)

Let's face it: Not gonna happen. I'll eat my hat if it does.

#102336 - retrohead - Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:40 am

That RAM is extended with an extra 1Mb/4Mb aswell for some games, its the twin CPU thats been the real killer for saturn emulation apparently

#102362 - OOPMan - Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:17 am

Har har, the Saturn looks like it was a bit ahead of it's time in terms of parallelism...
"My boot, your face..." - Attributed to OOPMan, Emperor of Eroticon VI

You can find my NDS homebrew projects here...

#102376 - MelGibson - Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:51 am

I'd rather see a PSOne Emulator on DS... don't think its possible though :(

#102393 - Sodeju - Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:11 pm

I want to see a Xbox360 emulator for the DS dohh :/

#102410 - M3d10n - Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:23 pm

josath wrote:
M3d10n wrote:
Most of the Saturn's blockbuster games didn't seem to push more than 3K quads on screen at once

The DS has a limit of 2048 polys per frame, so there's an issue there. The first few pages in google said the saturn can do ~3300 "polygons" per frame (but apparently, it uses quads instead of tris, so that may make things worse)

A very select few 3D Saturn games ran at 60fps. If you do the capture trick you can do ~4k triangles at 30fps, which would be enough for most Saturn games. Notice I'm taking about porting (and probably professional ports), not emulating (probably only the Xbox 360 and the PS3 can have any chances at emulating a Saturn 100%).

The Saturn looks like it had more VRAM, but it wasn't as flexible as the DS', as it was split between the VDP1 and VDP2. You could only use roughly 1MB worth of textures and 2D tiles, since the VDP1 used two framebuffers, and there was no texture compression.

If only Sega would get their heads out of their arses and make a port of Nights. It would be interesting with touch controls.

#102447 - tepples - Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:55 am

There was a NiGHTS demo for GBA multiboot.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#102469 - HtheB - Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:35 am

@ retrohead:
Yeah, Croc is for PC too.. (it was even better then the PSX version)
why I asked this game from the Saturn?
because Croc uses less game performance on the Saturn compared to the PSX and the PC version...

Argonaut software is AFAIK closed.. and even Fox Interactive aswell :(
so.. We never could expect a new Croc game..

Croc was my favorite game back in the time :)
:( too bad it will never be on the DS :(
(I hope i'm wrong! :) )

oh btw..1 question... we ca't port Croc to the DS.. Right? :(

#102485 - Darkflame - Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:32 pm

tepples wrote:
There was a NiGHTS demo for GBA multiboot.

Yeah, it was a rather nice reward for doing some Phantasy Star Online missions.

I always like the idea, I hope Sega expands that in the future.
(eg, you get DS demos/shorts for completeing bits of their games)


I'd rather see a PSOne Emulator on DS... don't think its possible though :(

"More possible" would be a way to put it though :p
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