#119131 - mrsid - Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:38 am
Third time's a charm...
Here is yet another Commodore 64 classic for the Nintendo DS. And this time it's something with a special connection to Nintendo.
As you may know, Giana Sisters was a blatant rip-off of Super Mario Bros, so Nintendo sued to get the game removed from the shelves.
Today I bring Giana Sisters back onto Nintendo turf.
Get the release at: http://galway.c64.org/gianads/
#119142 - Optihut - Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:03 am
Oh wow, I didn't even know it was a C64 game. I first noticed "great giana sisters" on the Amiga, but I guess that was the sequel (or a remake) then.
Your video seems to be already pulled by youtube, at least it said "video not available" or somesuch when I clicked on it.
Thanks for the port, I'll give it a try once I find my card reader.
Edit: Oh and instead of Stewie shouting at me, is there any main site where all those ports like the international karate and somesuch can be found? It would beat having to sift through multiple posts ;)
EDIT#2: I have just noticed that there is a kind of menu at the top of the page listing all the different releases, so never mind the above edit then.
#119161 - spinal_cord - Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:41 am
Nice! I never played this much on the C64, it seemed a little slow at the time (still does). I may have to give it another chance.
How did you do the music? Is it some sort of sid lib, or did you just sample it?
I'm not a boring person, it's just that boring things keep happening to me.
#119162 - mrsid - Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:49 am
It's using my picoSID emulation engine, which now has filtering support.
#119164 - spinal_cord - Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:55 am
So are you taking requests for games to emu-port or would a suggestion go completely ignored? There is a c64 game I would love to be able to play on the DS, but FrodoDS won't load it. I will suggest it to you, but I will not hold my breath as I know coders like to do there own thing. It's Creatures II, an excellent game (I didn't play the first one much) and I don't think anyone would stop you from emu-porting it.
No matter what your next project is, good luck! (even if it sin't C2)
I'm not a boring person, it's just that boring things keep happening to me.
#119170 - mrsid - Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:43 pm
There are a couple of things I consider when starting such a thing.
The reason I do it is because I hate when emulators scale the screen to fit it into the smaller DS resolution. I think this looks like crap, and I can't stand it at all.
Therefore I need to cut off some parts of the screen and redo the HUD and menu screens usually. This is a lot of work, and for some games it's nearly not feasible.
Other parts are also making this difficult. Since I'm not emulating the C64 graphics chip per pixel, but rather map it all to DS functionality, it's not possible to do certain raster effects. Or it just becomes a lot harder.
Also games that load a lot from disk, using fastloaders need a lot of reworking. That's why I chose single-file games until now.
Looking at Creatures 2, I can guess that the disk access, the sprite multiplexer and the fact that the game uses all of the screen (sometimes also the border) are going to be big problems.
#119221 - spinal_cord - Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:15 pm
I once started doing a remake of Anarchy, great game, I didn't get very far, perhaps I should restart it?
I'm not a boring person, it's just that boring things keep happening to me.
#119234 - Sweater Fish Deluxe - Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:08 am
Nice. Believe it or not, my introduction to Giana Sisters was the recent homebrew sequel made for the GP32 and Dreamcast, which I loved. Now I can finally try out the original without having to delve into what looks like a way too complicated emulation scene. Thanks.
...word is bondage...
#119281 - telephasic - Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:15 pm
Once again, nice work! I've been playing IK to death, time for a change.
Giana Sisters just became playable with sound on the newest FrodoDS, but this is MUCH better.
Good to get a bit of insight into your process, Paradroid would seem to be a possible future candidate... It is particularly annoying on FrodoDS due to the scaling and controls. When taking control of other robots it is difficult to line up and send charges down the exact path.
Top work, can't wait for your next release.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that mapping jump to A and Fire to B is genius! I used to get so frustrated with up=jump in the good old days.
EDIT 2: To use the clock (stop time) and bomb (destroy all enemies) power-ups you used to have to hit space on the keyboard, is there a way to do this in your version? I have not got it to work yet.
#119288 - mrsid - Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:51 pm
Oops... :)
I was actually not aware of that. Never read the manual... ;)
I shall fix that soon, and upload a new version.
#119323 - mrsid - Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:30 pm
Ok, I've updated the download with a fixed file. It's now possible to trigger the extra activate with the X button.
#119342 - 2jaxx - Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:33 am
How can this file be so much smaller?
#119355 - mrsid - Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:31 am
I've removed some unused data that was still in there... :)
#119441 - shen3 - Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:31 am
As a candidate for a future project how about jumpman jr?
I think that was a single load game, and totally awesome to boot.
#119443 - tepples - Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:43 am
Don't we already have Super Jumpman 64 DS, New Super Jumpman Bros., Jumpman Hoops 3 on 3, and Jumpman vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis? (See also the first Jumpman game.)
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#119568 - ChronoDK - Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:49 am
mrsid, I just noticed that your site is called galway.c64.. Are you Martin Galway? If so - why not convert Rambo First Blood Part II which you made great music for yourself? The game is great too!
#119573 - mrsid - Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:20 pm
I'm not Martin Galway, I'm just a dude that names his computers after C64 composers. I'm typing this on Hubbard, and my notebook is called Drax.
#119852 - Metaluna - Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:02 pm
shen3 wrote: |
As a candidate for a future project how about jumpman jr?
And what about Spy vs Spy 2 (my favourite of the serie) with two players using wifi? ;)
#119953 - zzo38computer - Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:08 pm
I like this game, it is much better than Super Mario. But I think you should add another mode, in addition to normal mode, you can play Infinite Lives mode, which does these 4 things:
- You have infinite lives.
- There is no check-points, so you go back to the beginning of the level when you die.
- You lose all powers at the beginning of a level.
- Your score gets set to what it was at the beginning of the current level when you die.
Infinite Lives mode is a similar mode to some other games. The standard mode is also good, but sometimes I would prefer Infinite in case I want to retry as many times as I want to.
Important: Please send messages about FWNITRO to the public forum, not privately to me.
Last edited by zzo38computer on Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:56 am; edited 2 times in total
#119986 - telephasic - Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:55 am
Can't say I agree, those 'modes' (cheats) would undermine any fun and challenge there is in the game.
Mrsid, I'll just add that this Giana Sisters remake has controlled my life for the past few days. I'm loving it. At times the screen size is a little frustrating (there are a couple of beginnings and ends of levels where there is a bonus to the left or a jump required to escape) but seeing as I am familiar with most levels it is not too much of a pain. I'm not asking for screen scaling because it looks so good!
The music in the cave boss levels is not quite as crisp as the main music, I expect the 'swirling wind' type sound is a little harder to get sounding correct emulated.
I've discovered a bug, but I can't replicate it with any regularity.
In the levels where there is fire on the top of barrels the only time Giana (or Maria) should be able to walk through the fire is when they collect the raindrop power-up (no button press required). At least a couple of times, after a death, I've found Giana able to walk through the fire without losing a life. I know the original game on the C64 was rife with bugs (and for the most part those are still in your version, which I find wonderfully nostalgic), but I can't recall the fire bug ever occuring.
Can't wait for your next one conversion...
#151643 - Metaluna - Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:47 pm
Any news of MrSid anyone?