#128225 - juandi - Wed May 09, 2007 9:22 pm
first sorry by my bad english, but i don?t speak english very well, my problem is, i downloaded monshell 1.7, I have a G6, I installed moonshell 1,7, and in the root of g6 they leave many archives to me .nds, I I suppose that I must use the one that puts MoonShell_G6FL_G6 Lite DLDI V0.15.nds, but when I give him have left the screens in target, that is to say, it does not go to me, is by an installation error? , please help me as rapidly as possible. Gracias
#128236 - dantheman - Wed May 09, 2007 10:19 pm
Try patching the "GBAMP" one with the DLDI file for your device. I have heard that this works for G6 users because the G6 file that Moonshell creates does not work.
To do this, download and install "DLDIrc" and select the G6 option at the end. Then right-click the GBAMP version and select the new patching option that appears.
#128273 - juandi - Thu May 10, 2007 6:15 am
i?ll use mediaplayextend, it?s = or more beter than moonshell, annd i can reboot with it when i want, but where i donwload DLDI and gbamp?
#128310 - tepples - Thu May 10, 2007 2:31 pm
If it's DLDI, get it at DLDIWiki.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#128313 - juandi - Thu May 10, 2007 3:06 pm
I dowloaded didl for g6 in slot 2,
later I changed it by that it came in the folder, with the ?Setup? I give single g6, but I do not see that that you say of GBAmp, please if me you can explain better, is than when not knowing to it step a little badly English translating, please it answers as rapidly as possible. Gracias
#128346 - dantheman - Thu May 10, 2007 10:07 pm
Here, look at this image: http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/3443/moonshellsetuptr3.png
Have that option checked.
Then go to http://dldi.drunkencoders.com/index.php?title=DLDI_Right_Click and download the setup file. Install the program and select the G6 option at the end when it asks you which device you have. Go to your media card in Windows Explorer and click on the _BOOT_MP.NDS file with the right mouse button. Select the new option that appears. It should look like this: http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/6008/dldipatchaq4.png
For you, it will say G6 instead of Supercard.
?T? eres espa?ol? Yo estoy estudi?ndolo y puedo tratar de traducir las instrucciones si no son claros.
#128398 - juandi - Fri May 11, 2007 5:52 am
ok, gracias lo probar? luego, pero creo que es mejor el media play extend. Tienes messenger?, creo que as? pordr?amos hablar mejor, ?no te parece?, el m?o es yondiml@hotmail.com ? juandisims@yahoo.es, el de yahoo o uso m?s, venga cuidate Bye
#128401 - dantheman - Fri May 11, 2007 6:09 am
If I remember correctly, Media Play Extend is actually an old version of Moonshell. It would probably be better to upgrade to the new version.
Yo creo que el Media Play Extend realmente es una forma anciana de Moonshell, y por eso, probablemente es mejor que uses esta versi?n nueva.
#128455 - juandi - Fri May 11, 2007 5:20 pm
Voy a intentar instalarlo con la informacion del mensaje con las imagenes a ver si soy capaz de hacerlo, pero si no soy te puedo seguir preguntando sobre esto?, es que no quiero parecer repetitivo.
Cuidate Bye
Subtitle by MOD:
I am going to try to install it with the information from the message with the images to see if I am able to do it, but if I am not, can I keep asking you about this? I just don't want to seem repetitive.
#128548 - juandi - Sat May 12, 2007 4:10 pm
in setup I choose the option that in the photo, later I install it, lowers the program that you said me and before finishing says me that that dldi use, I select g6, later I go to g6 and I give with the right button boot_Mp? and I give patch, later I prove it in ds , i push Boot_mp... and does not work to me,the displayes were white that I make bad? , you can make a mini tutorial? , it is that perhaps when trying translate I do something bad and then does not leave to me. i have got a passcard not a supercard. Gracias
#128554 - dantheman - Sat May 12, 2007 5:48 pm
It looks like you are doing everything correctly. In that case, I do not know what is wrong. Perhaps my original information was incorrect.
Can anyone who actually has a G6 comment on this?
Parece que est?s haciendo todo correctamente, y no s? por qu? no functiona. Quiz?s mi informaci?n original del G6 era incorrecta.
Hay alguien que tenga un G6 y pueda comentar?