#129810 - ghaxaq - Sun May 27, 2007 3:58 pm
Hi to all! I am interested in porting some dos games to the ds. What needs to be changed in order to compile the game and load it on the DS?
#129812 - Lazy1 - Sun May 27, 2007 4:09 pm
It depends on the game, if it has already been ported to something like SDL the process is much easier.
Otherwise, good luck converting all that x86 assembly.
What are you trying to port anyway?
#129824 - ghaxaq - Sun May 27, 2007 5:48 pm
I was looking at some racing games, like Big Red Racing or something similar.
#129825 - kusma - Sun May 27, 2007 6:58 pm
Where would you get the source code from?
#129833 - ghaxaq - Sun May 27, 2007 8:50 pm
I found some open source sdl games, and i am looking at some of them to choose which one I will port.
#129958 - pas - Tue May 29, 2007 12:37 pm
ghaxaq what would you think about porting the incredible machine to the DS ? I don't think it was/is Open Source thought ;(
Starcraft DS ?
#129991 - PeterM - Tue May 29, 2007 10:32 pm
So that would be more of a remake than a port?
#130013 - Dood77 - Wed May 30, 2007 4:30 am
Anyone ever played Magic Carpet? Holy crap that was an amazing game... too bad big bad EA owns all of Bullfrog's old copyrights...
If I use a term wrong or something then feel free to correct, I?m not much of a programmer.
Original DS Phat obtained on day of release + flashme v7
Supercard: miniSD, Kingston 1GB, Kingston 2GB
Ralink chipset PCI NIC
#130037 - pas - Wed May 30, 2007 11:41 am
PeterM, that depends, if he finds a source then it *would* be a port, if not then, you're right, then it would be a remake, but since there is not source, as far as I know it would max. get a remake, if he would even do it either...
Starcraft DS ?
#130050 - Lynx - Wed May 30, 2007 2:40 pm
Dood77 wrote: |
Anyone ever played Magic Carpet? Holy crap that was an amazing game... too bad big bad EA owns all of Bullfrog's old copyrights... |
It came with my first HMD, very fun to play.
EDIT: Actually, it was Magic Carpet 2...
NDS Homebrew Roms & Reviews
#130069 - Dood77 - Wed May 30, 2007 7:33 pm
Magic Carpet 2 was very glitchy, but it was still great too. How I wish I could've played it on a LAN back in the day. :'(
If I use a term wrong or something then feel free to correct, I?m not much of a programmer.
Original DS Phat obtained on day of release + flashme v7
Supercard: miniSD, Kingston 1GB, Kingston 2GB
Ralink chipset PCI NIC
#130080 - avid - Wed May 30, 2007 8:56 pm
there are a lot of games i'd like to see ported.. i wish i could learn to do that.. infact maybe i will. i used to code a little back in my c=64/amiga days.. been forever.. (yes - i'm old[er]) i also heard it was easier to port from amiga than pc/dos. i don't know if that's true or why that would be but..
some of the games i dug was cinemaware games.. it came from the desert, king of chicago, wings.. and defender of the crown..
i tried looking for source code for cinemaware games.. don't know how that will go i'll keep looking, but i found a list of "players" from all different platforms, programs, games etc.. with each amiga compressed file was a compressed file containing source for that player.. i don't know if it will help.. but it's still kinda cool.. here's a few i thought were interesting..
Sierra AGI player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
Sierra AGI player & ripper source code
MED Packer player (v1.2 & v2.1 AMP)
MED Packer player & ripper source code
Cinemaware player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
Cinemaware player source code
oo and scope this: music! =)
/ . o 0 avid 0 o . /
#130108 - Darkflame - Thu May 31, 2007 12:53 am
Id like SkyRoads.
I loved that game :)
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#130113 - avid - Thu May 31, 2007 1:11 am
got u all beat!
MAGIC POCKETS from bitmap bros.
that was the shit.. ok well it was pretty good.. i dug it.. that an speedball 2 by bitmap bros..
/ . o 0 avid 0 o . /
#130132 - toma - Thu May 31, 2007 5:30 am
i remember skyroads... that game was cool, kinda weird but cool.
i wish zzt could be ported to the ds, but i really doubt it would ever happen.
#130145 - HtheB - Thu May 31, 2007 8:53 am
toma wrote: |
i remember skyroads... that game was cool, kinda weird but cool.
i wish zzt could be ported to the ds, but i really doubt it would ever happen. |
why not asking them the source?
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#130198 - Dood77 - Thu May 31, 2007 8:26 pm
Oh skyroads is so addictive, I had no idea whoever did that is still around... thats awesome. If someone gets the source, please do it ;)
But its like someone said, x86 ASM :S
If I use a term wrong or something then feel free to correct, I?m not much of a programmer.
Original DS Phat obtained on day of release + flashme v7
Supercard: miniSD, Kingston 1GB, Kingston 2GB
Ralink chipset PCI NIC
#130450 - zzo38computer - Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:34 pm
toma wrote: |
i wish zzt could be ported to the ds, but i really doubt it would ever happen. |
Actually ZZT has been ported to GBA
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