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DS Misc > Lots of Stuff to do on your DS

#131446 - zz85 - Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:13 pm

Hi all,

I'm compiling a list of (interesting) stuff you can do on the DS (using homebrew of course), but its also a Works-In-Progress.

I've place it on a wiki @

Do let me know if you like it or any mistakes or any comments...

You could see my initial idea at my blog and comment there too

If you like to help up with this list you could edit the page too

I hopes it makes a good read for homebrew enthusiast or a help for newbies. ;)

#131448 - Bobshoe - Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:29 pm

Great guide, I will let you know if find any errors.

#131469 - DragonMinded - Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:57 am

If you are going to make a guide that lists homebrew by feature (as apposed to homebrew itself, then the features it does), better include all the features, and make sure you got all the homebrew. You only mentioned OGG and MP3, but DSOrganize plays FLAC, M4A/M4B, AAC, WAV, and modules like MOD, XM, IT, S3M, SPC, NSF, SID. I know moonshell plays most of those, and includes MID support too. Also, other MP3 players exist, such as Sata's old mp3play. Under browsers you seem to mention at least one KNOWN fake browser. Under wireless transfer of files, you haven't mentioned DSO's Homebrew Database. Under IRC, you seem to be missing IRCDS (unless thats waht you mean by DSIRC, SylphIRC, and one more that is slipping my mind). For chatting on AIM, you should have DSAim. Also, wonderswan is avaialble standalone too, not just as a DSO plugin. Under streaming, simply putting "loads playlists" doesn't actually detail streaming. A m3u or pls file is simply a list of things an app should play in order. You are better off listing the type of streaming each app supports. IE: DSO supports MP3, OGG, AAC+ streaming, dissonance supports MP3, etc.
Enter the mind of the dragon.

Seriously guys, how hard is it to simply TRY something yourself?

#131472 - zz85 - Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:20 am

Thanks DragonMind for your detailed proofreading! I didn't think the author of DSOrganize would actually take time to do that ;)

You are sure right about testing the applications first. As you can see, the "guide" is still in a sketchy form. Basically those which I personally have been hyperlinked, and described.

Also, I'm not sure categorising the applications by features, but by throwing "a list of stuff which can be done a the DS", and answer "in what ways you could do it", so in someways it is not comprehensive, but I keep what you have feedback in mind.

Btw some comments for DSO, so for I tired some M4A files , but they couldn't run, is it because there's a bitrate limit that can be processed by the DS? Also I see that the option recording to wav files isn't there in 2.7.

When I thought about transfer files wirelessly at first, I thought about transferring any files to and fro from DS. DSO allows only homebrew downloading, since "a download feature" is already there, why not integrate download feature into the web browser?

I love DSO very much, esp in the features it have, and I see more room for improvement in the appearance, btw has anyone submitted their custom color.ini? It would be cool to share different types of customisations (I prefer white text on black background)..

Lastly Kudos for doing such a great job!

#131493 - Opus - Sat Jun 16, 2007 6:17 am

Thank you.

Your page went straight to my bookmarks.

#131578 - Darkflame - Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:00 pm

being able to quickly look up an app that supports X or can do Y is very usefull. (even though DSO and moonshell covers 90% of stuff)

DSO also supports Vcard.


When I thought about transfer files wirelessly at first, I thought about transferring any files to and fro from DS. DSO allows only homebrew downloading, since "a download feature" is already there, why not integrate download feature into the web browser?

Dragonminded - just curious, currently the download system seems to just be official game demos. Not complaining, just wondering why you removed the others?
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Last edited by Darkflame on Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

#131579 - tepples - Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:06 pm

The "Games" section was intentionally left blank. Where can I find a list of homebrew games that a fan of a commercial game might like? For example, Planet Puzzle League -> tetattds, Elite Beat Agents -> AmplituDS, Warcraft -> A Touch of War?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#131716 - zz85 - Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:19 am

tepples wrote:
The "Games" section was intentionally left blank. Where can I find a list of homebrew games that a fan of a commercial game might like? For example, Planet Puzzle League -> tetattds, Elite Beat Agents -> AmplituDS, Warcraft -> A Touch of War?

hi tepples, the games section was intentionally left blank because i have not spent much time in the area of homebrew games. Although I have tried some, I feel that my knowledge and experience in this field is not good enough currently to write a guide.

Besides, even most of my time I'm spending on running and testing homebrew apps, my write up has not been complete. I do hope, when I have the time in future, that I can add more to the games section, and if anyone volunteers, they could contribute too ;)

#131721 - zz85 - Tue Jun 19, 2007 1:49 pm

But what tepples mentioned is correct. There should be a list of where you could find homebrew equivalents of games to the names of games people usually know.

But if you are just looking for games, I have some links to a couple of lists,0,0,0,2

My suggestion is that a compilation can be done according to the genre of the games, plus add a few legends, whether its a Port or Clone of a game, whether it is highly playable, recommended or not, or if its has multiplayer support.

Sometimes I just dump stuff into notepads or my email drafts so I could look them up sometime.. hence I do have a list of games but there's lots of missing stuff, and need lots of organisation and cleaning up. Anyway just to paste it here if anyone's interested.

::Reaction Games


Rally-X DS

A Touch of War


::Education / Puzzles
WordWrap - Word games
Skinz Sudoku -
Reality Game -
CrossPics & Sumdoku - "Killer Sudoku"
Reality Game: Board Games:
JoggleDS - Word Games:
HexaVirus Clone of flash game Virus 2
WordUp : Wordup CLone:

::Rhythm Games
Touch me (I'm famous)


::JUMP AND RUN games
Everlasting Love

::Unsorted ^ Untested
Population: Tire
Marshmallow Duel DS
Explosive Gas: CLone of BomberMAn
Hexen: Hexen Port:

Omok DS
Hoola DS

REminiscenceDS : Flashback
Explosion of an Aeroplane (Wright Flight) :a Game of Biplane Dogfight in Multilayer Levels

Mahjong DS :
Angband NDS:

Someday it would be good to include into the wiki like what i mentioned in hte previous post.